::: UBISOFT hires LINUX developers now! :linux: :thinkergunsunglasses: :afire:
Such is the change everywhere - Linux is efficient, Linux is flexible - Windows but a necessary unwanted burden still for a while...
Ubisoft states: "As we all know, Linux is an extremely stable and performance-oriented OS, and you’ll be able to make XDefiant really shine".
Read more & apply? => https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/company/careers/search/743999879479053-linux-systems-engineer-xdefiant
#Ubisoft #hires #Linux #XDefiant #developer #jobs #gaming #Snowdrop #systems #engineer
#engineer #systems #snowdrop #gaming #jobs #developer #Xdefiant #linux #hires #ubisoft
::: UBISOFT hires LINUX developers now! :linux: :thinkergunsunglasses: :afire:
Such is the change everywhere - Linux is efficient, Linux is flexible - Windows is but a necessary burden still for a while...
Ubisoft states: "As we all know, Linux is an extremely stable and performance-oriented OS, and you’ll be able to make XDefiant really shine".
Read more & apply? => https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/company/careers/search/743999879479053-linux-systems-engineer-xdefiant
#Ubisoft #hires #Linux #XDefiant #developer #jobs #gaming #Snowdrop #systems #engineer
#engineer #systems #snowdrop #gaming #jobs #developer #Xdefiant #linux #hires #ubisoft
Ubisoft looking for linux developers for xdefiant? thats huge ngl https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/company/careers/search/743999879479053-linux-systems-engineer-xdefiant #linux #XDefiant #gaming
Come join me on Twitch in a few to preview the beta of XDefiant - a new, fun first-person shooter from @Ubisoft !
#twitch #TwitchStreamers #PS5 #PS5Share #Ubisoft #XDefiant #XDefiant #gamergirl
#gamergirl #Xdefiant #ubisoft #PS5Share #ps5 #TwitchStreamers #Twitch
Habt Ihr schon #XDefiant angespielt? #Ubisoft
I’ve played a few hours of #XDefiant and reached level 10. Here’s my initial impressions/feedback, if you’re interested.
TLDR: It’s fun, rough to look at, feels like X360 CoD but with class gadgets, balance is off.
XDefiant: Cross-Play-Insider-Session mit neuer Karte Pueblito startet heute auf Konsolen und PC
#Xbox #InsideXboxDE #Repost #Ubisoft #XDefiant
#xbox #insidexboxde #repost #ubisoft #Xdefiant
Excited to try #XDefiant tonight. It looks like old Xbox 360 CoD but with hero classes. Hopefully it works out, as the current CoD gameplay isn’t doing it for me.
Wer sich damals für die XDefiant-Beta registriert hat, sollte einmal seine E-Mail-Inbox prüfen. Die XDefiant Cross-Play-Insider-Session startet heute.
#Xbox #InsideXboxDE #Repost #Ubisoft #XDefiant
#xbox #insidexboxde #repost #ubisoft #Xdefiant
Ubisoft’s upcoming class-based FPS will be kicking off its first insider playtest on consoles and PC this week. #XDefiant #News #Cross-Play #PC #playtest #PS5 #Ubisoft #XboxSeriesX https://www.guidestash.com/news/tom-clancys-xdefiant/xdefiant-cross-play-playtest-coming-this-week/
#Xdefiant #pc #playtest #ps5 #ubisoft #news #cross #xboxseriesx