yet another #introduction using only #hashtags
I live at #dreamtimevillage an #ecovillage #community I started with my comrade #lyxish in #1990 -- I'm a #poet who makes #experimental #texts #visualpoetry #noise #aiart #nfts and since #1980 have operate #xexoxial editions, a #micropress devoted to #innovative forms of #literature and #art -- since 2009 I have also created #beyondvineyard -- a #permaculture #vineyard devoted to making #botanical #wines from many kinds of #fruit
please #boost
#introduction #hashtags #DreamtimeVillage #ecovillage #community #lyxish #poet #experimental #texts #visualpoetry #noise #aiart #nfts #Xexoxial #micropress #innovative #literature #art #beyondvineyard #permaculture #vineyard #botanical #wines #fruit #boost thanks so much for coming! Can’t wait to hear the ocarina recording and those bells. And thanks a lot for helping clean up all that dust off the archival stuff for #xexoxial
Packing for a two month expedition to Wisconsin to go stay at #DreamtimeVillage, the commune that I grew up at where my father @memexikon still resides. Going to be working on building a new website for #Xexoxial, doing some gardening, and getting a change of scenery for a while.
THE IMPOSSIBLE UTTERANCE #3-4 A zine for offbeat language work. #3 was produced by combining two HyperCard stacks, one (by Miekal And (@memexikon)) which produces an endless stream of words like "finacy" and "Orryseneyex]", and the other which makes typographically complex illustrations to go along It's not especially readable, though it is almost maddeningly close to language. Jake Berry and Miekal And are among the contributors
to #4.
via #personalarchive #xexoxial
some old generational poetry by @memexikon and jUStin katKO still up at #xexoxial