Beeing very glad about today's QSO on 10m. Contact #1 two days ago went to Saudi Arabia, today's #2 to Namibia, Windhoek with a solid 55! That's 7794 km/4842.967072 mi. Thank you Mike/V51MA!
The T2LT antenna works exceptionally fine. The SWR is nothing but a dream. I heard again Chile and even a station from the USA. Maybe next time they'll receive me too...?
#10m #austria #namibia #t2lt #XieguG90 #portable #hamradio
I liked the look of that stand so much, I ordered one off of Amazon. Should be here tomorrow and will replace the block of wood that I’ve been using to elevate my #XieguG90.
Well, it turns out I already had a good contender for a #XieguG90 case on hand: a Tenba Messenger DNA8 w/ the padded insert removed. The radio fits in nicely, there are pocket for various small bits, enough room inside for a mic, battery and tablet. I'll be cutting up some choroplast lawn signs to add some interior dent protection that would otherwise be provided by an insert. But, for now, a free solution until I have a clearer idea of what works / doesn't for me. #HamRadio #HF #SOTA #POTA
#pota #sota #hf #hamradio #XieguG90
Trying to find an electronics organizer or small-ish pouch to protect my G-90 + carry various accruements in my nice hiking backpack has been... a journey.
Everything is either perfect but too small (peak design, Alpak) or a bulky and uncomfortable looking Tactical Backpack for the End Times (too many to count).
The only solution to this problem is to just buy an Elekraft KX-2/3. (Kidding)
(but not kidding)
(but kidding)
Very excited to get the first piece of my @tsherrygeo / N7KOM boat anchor #SOTA kit in the mail today. Took advantage of #Radioddity's bundle sale. #HamRadio #POTA #XieguG90
#XieguG90 #pota #hamradio #Radioddity #sota
An interesting thing just happened as I was operating my #XieguG90.
The charge on the battery that I was using was so low that it caused the rig to shutdown. As a result, when I connected my 2nd battery, most, if not all, of the configurations that I had set (keyer settings, RF, filter band widths, etc) were gone and had to be reset.
No big deal, I just reset everything and went back to operating.
I took my new #XieguG90 out into the field for its 1st #POTA activation today; Pisgah National Forest (NC) K-4510. I operated at 20 watts with the 41 foot wire fed with a 9:1 unun in a sloper configuration hanging off of the nearest tree.
The G90 exceeded my expectations; logging 63 QSOs - 59 CW and 2 SSB. I’d forgotten that the NA SSB QSO Party started at 1800 UTC. I quickly realized I was fighting a losing battle attempting to activate the park on phone; I prefer CW anyway.
I’ve had the #XieguG90 for just over a week and it’s performing well. This afternoon, I’m testing to see if my laptop computer causes any interference to the receiver in the G90.
So far, it’s clean on all bands which is good because I’m planning on using N1MM for #WinterFieldDay logging, rather than my iPad with the HAMRS logging app. This is important because the WFD logs must be submitted in Cabrillo format, which HAMRS doesn’t generate, but N1MM does.
Bin immer noch schwer begeistert vom #XieguG90 - gerade noch mal kurz ins Auto geschwungen, die Vertical aufs Dach und Zack sind schon wieder 4 QSOs im Log. Auf 10m sind die 20W allerdings bissl Mau für Übersee.
My #ADK #POTA trip to Limekiln Lake was a success.
180+ QSOs & 3 activations - all on solar power in a forest with too much shade AND most of my time on the #lateshift.
I managed to work stations on 10, 20, 40, and 80 meters. I was successful on FT4 , FT8, and SSB. While I tried #RTTY, I never got a call back. I'll keep trying, however.
All this was done with a #XieguG90 and an 80m #EFHW up 15-20ft.
#efhw #XieguG90 #rtty #LateShift #pota #ADK
KB2DSR here. I'm an Amateur Extra in Troy, NY. I got my Novice ticket in 1986 or 87 (I think).
I enjoy #POTA, where I use a #XieguG90 and a solar system for power. I'm just getting into playing with #DMR and I'm Net Control for the TARA Social Net on the N2TY repeaters.
My main HF rig is a Yeasu FT-450D and my shack computer is a Raspberry Pi4.
I also, hunt, fish, lift weights, and grow a garden.
#dmr #XieguG90 #pota #introductions