The fire department had to come out for times recently, including #Xmas2022 Eve Eve & Christmas Eve, to get Dad safely off the floor. He can no longer retain new information. A segue to a care home or hospice is next. #Stage4Alzheimers
Boxing Day Mayhem
For those shopping for #deals good luck. For those buying because they have money, maybe hold off?
#BoxingDay has changed since the advent of the Gift Card, hasn’t it?
#Christmas #Xmas2022
#deals #boxingday #christmas #Xmas2022
Started building a robot today!
I got this one because it was the full building experience (connecting servos/motors and circuit boards) plus coding with python or an app. ALSO the body is made of (ply?)wood and I really dig the #sustainability aspect of that.
I feel like this kit has a steep learning curve, and requires a bit of extra prep and extra items before you get started building.
#RobotKit #nybble #Petoi #DIYRobot #RobotPet #DIYRobotics #Robot #SustainableTech #STEMToys #WIP #Xmas2022
#sustainability #RobotKit #nybble #petoi #diyrobot #robotpet #diyrobotics #robot #sustainabletech #stemtoys #wip #Xmas2022
#Xmas2022 dinner w/my parents at 2:00 and that’s the last of it. Happy Birthday, Jesus.
End-of-year SSD cleaning. The Screenshot file went into the bin, for starters ︒︒︒It's such a trial more often than not nowadays for Mother to prepare Father for church that I doubt they'll want to attend the #Xmas2022 service. Time to rest︒︒︒Our pastor will be seeing them Tuesday anyway...
Attended the beginning of Wright’s Christmas Eve service, as it seems that Dad won’t be making it much to church anymore. Told one of his Rotary buds that he was failing fast, but it didn’t seem to register. #Xmas2022
Evermore reading.
See grandkids, have Mexican.
Final Xmas rites.
🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 #今日のライブ進捗 #メディバンペイント #medibangpaintpro #xmas2022 #christmas2022 #MAOReborn #GodsGame #OCArt #ぱんつ #オリキャラ #drawing #christmas #MerryX'mas🎄🎄 🎄 🎄 🎄 #pixivSketch
#pixivsketch #merryx #christmas #drawing #オリキャラ #ぱんつ #ocart #GodsGame #MAOReborn #Christmas2022 #Xmas2022 #medibangpaintpro #メディバンペイント #今日のライブ進捗
Rewatching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, and Santa Claus is definitely the villain. He encourages everyone to ostracize Rudolph. It's only later that they warm up to him and let him pull the sleigh when they realize they can exploit his ‘handicap’.
#Rudolph #RudolphTheRedNosedReindeer #Christmas #ChristmasMovie #XMas #Christmas2022 #XMas2022
#rudolph #rudolphtherednosedreindeer #christmas #christmasmovie #xmas #christmas2022 #Xmas2022
Pantry sufficiently stocked. #Xmas2022 was wrapped up at my end last week; I've always known what makes for a good gift. Might make a Costco run with Mother for a new space heater. Oh, for central heating...!
Blesséd coffee ︒︒︒Neurologist was keenly interested in my #NeuroTypo list. Obviously my brain function has changed, so I'll be undergoing to who #NeuroTypo megillah of tests late January. ︒︒︒#Xmas2022 at the 'Lux: the gin flowed freely and appropriately ︒︒︒I think I left my cane there...
Christmas tree boyyy🎄💁🏻♂️✨️
#Xmas #Christmas #christmastree #xmastree #xxxmas #nude #lewd #kink #fetish #bondage #gagged #boundandgagged #bdsm #happykink #candycane #submissive #submission #rope #xmas2022 #christmas2022 #flannel #eyecontact #amateur #photography #amateurmodel #onlyfans #onlyfansmodel #transporn #transkink #queerporn #queerkink #lgbtporn #lgbtkink #cuteboy
#xmas #christmas #christmastree #xmastree #xxxmas #nude #lewd #kink #fetish #bondage #gagged #boundandgagged #bdsm #happykink #CandyCane #submissive #submission #rope #Xmas2022 #christmas2022 #flannel #eyecontact #amateur #photography #amateurmodel #onlyfans #onlyfansmodel #transporn #transkink #queerporn #queerkink #lgbtporn #lgbtkink #cuteboy
My sister-in-law's father died on Christmas Day two years ago. I mentioned to Mother that on her birthday (the 21st) and #Xmas2022 that my brother, sil, and the kids are going to be brought up short by how bad Dad's gotten. This is why I awaken at midnight.
Steady cold. Good walking weather øøøMaking provisional #Xmas2022 plans with The Librarian, et al. øøø Might check out Plasma Apartments tomorrow...
Spiffed up for Wright Congregational #UCC having given my back a good hot Epsom soak. Invited The Librarian to join us –I don’t know her #Xmas2022 plans, but this is a good way for her to meet my parents. øøø Retired the futon for sleeping; napping & reading is OK øøø -3.8 °C...
Today's useless #random number is 6831︒︒︒ Good friends dropped by last night —always a pleasure︒︒︒My back is killing me, so I think I'll skip taking my parents to Wright #UCC . Mother's 95th Birthday is on the 21st (I'll be at a neurological appointment), the whole tribe will assemble #Xmas2022 Eve o'er Mexican brunch, and they'll be a Christmas service Sunday...