Sometime back in April there was a weekend, and given that I had zero chance of managing it I set my own rules instead.

Basically, I've very slowly stitched a total of 24 hours across two specific projects, and it's time to compare the before and after!

4 hours went on the small pattern which was easily completed. But my full coverage? The 20 other hours weren't even enough to finish the current page 😭


#24hoursofcrossstitch #crossstitch #Xstitch #fullcoverage

Last updated 1 year ago

Anyone doing the challenge this weekend?

I only found out about it on Thursday night, as per usual, and had plans today so 24 hours is out of the question. But I still took these starting photos yesterday and will see how far I can get!

#24hoursofcrossstitch #crossstitch #Xstitch #24hocs #crafts

Last updated 2 years ago

When you're so distracted by the snooker you lose all spacial awareness.

Seriously, this is my own cross stitch pattern and I've still managed to do the bit at the bottom right backwards 🤦‍♀️


#crossstitch #Xstitch #snooker

Last updated 2 years ago

🌈 SewGay Rick 🌹 · @rick
29 followers · 21 posts · Server

Finished his tiddies and now working on his abs

#tomoffinland #crossstitch #Xstitch #gay

Last updated 2 years ago

Made myself my first ever grime guard!

A lovely person offered me her collection of unwanted Q-Snaps recently and so I've gone from owning one to owning...lots. This obviously called for learning to make some pretty covers for the things, and I think it's going well so far!

If anyone else wants to learn how, there's a tutorial up on my YT. But mostly I just want to show off how coordinated this blue is with my project 😎


#crossstitch #needlework #qsnap #grimeguard #Xstitch

Last updated 2 years ago

That Idiot Monro · @ThatIdiotMonro
235 followers · 1109 posts · Server

Just noticed Home Bargains have started selling aida fabric. That'll be good for when I inevitably fuck up my cross stitch.

#sewing #Xstitch #crossstitch #craft

Last updated 2 years ago

bogdragoncrafts · @bogdragoncrafts
40 followers · 41 posts · Server

My newest cutie is ready!! I'm so happy with the final result, it really feel like a winter palette but the overall vibe is still cosy. The little dog-as-a-lemon-cake is a convincing cousin to the croissant-cat in my mind, I'm delighted :blobCatHeart:

#crossstitch #needlecraft #Xstitch #cute

Last updated 2 years ago

Kymberly · @Kymberly
63 followers · 6 posts · Server

New server, new intro with all the hashtags.

Hi, I'm Kym (aka Seirff) - an always cold fire .

Work: with a computer science degree, , & , (DE>EN), & occasional teacher.
Open for new clients!

Where: Living in , Germany, after a short stay in , Japan. Originally from , Australia.

Owned by two big fluffy Maine Coon , whose fur is the bane of my existence.

The rooftop balcony is where I grow as much food as possible with a black thumb - . This features in my YouTube channel.

Eternally curious, I intend to learn all the things and share with members the process.
Many hobbies - , , , , , , crafts like & . New to & a wheel.

Also new to (AnyCubic DLP!) & .

Gentle persistence is my mantra - / , , complex , survivor, monster - a collection of . I will rant about the health system and incompetent doctors at times.

#dragon #freelance #techwriter #ghostwriter #editor #proofreader #translator #Esl #leipzig #fukushima #melbourne #cats #gardening #patreon #languages #art #piano #Gaming #sewing #Xstitch #yarn #crochet #knitting #weaving #spinning #3dprinting #minipainting #spondyloarthritis #psoriaticarthritis #endometriosis #ptsd #breastcancer #migraine #chronicillness #spoonie

Last updated 2 years ago

Kymberly · @Kymberly
63 followers · 6 posts · Server

New server, new intro with all the hashtags.

Hi, I'm Kym (aka Seirff) - an always cold fire .

Work: with a computer science degree, , & , (DE>EN), & occasional teacher.
Open for new clients!

Where: Living in , Germany, after a short stay in , Japan. Originally from , Australia.

Owned by two big fluffy Maine Coon , whose fur is the bane of my existence.

The rooftop balcony is where I grow as much food as possible with a black thumb - . This features in my YouTube channel.

Eternally curious, I intend to learn all the things and share with members the process.
Many hobbies - , , , , , , , crafts like & . New to & a wheel.

Also new to (AnyCubic DLP!) & .

Gentle persistence is my mantra - / , , complex , survivor, monster - a collection of . I will rant about the health system and incompetent doctors at times.

#dragon #freelance #techwriter #ghostwriter #editor #proofreader #translator #Esl #leipzig #fukushima #melbourne #cats #gardening #patreon #languages #art #piano #Gaming #sewing #Xstitch #yarn #crochet #knitting #weaving #spinning #3dprinting #minipainting #spondyloarthritis #psoriaticarthritis #endometriosis #ptsd #breastcancer #migraine #chronicillness #spoonie

Last updated 2 years ago

Had this baby out of the q-snap today so wanted to take the opportunity for a nice progress photo.

Unfortunately my lack of patience with ironing and the random thread parked in the very middle of the tree sort of ruined that idea.

Still, progress update! This is Autumn Stories from Paine Free Crafts, stitched 2 over 1 tent stitch on 28ct ecru evenweave.

p.s. This is over 16000 stitches, scissors for scale 😅

#crossstitch #fullcoverage #stitching #Xstitch #needlework

Last updated 2 years ago

Ok be honest, how many of you out there in floss drops gang find yourselves just randomly twirling and stroking all the neat lengths of floss?

I refuse to believe it's just me.


#dmc #EmbroideryFloss #FlossDrops #crossstitch #Xstitch #crossstitcher #crossstitching #OddlySatisfying

Last updated 2 years ago

WhiskyWanderer_ · @WhiskyWanderer_
7 followers · 12 posts · Server

This one is up nicely, and quite quickly!

#stitching #crossstitch #Xstitch

Last updated 2 years ago

The tag doesn't seem as active as some other crafts, and I'm taking that personally.

So here's an old project of mine, this was a kit from The Historical Sampler Company and was the 2nd ever thing I started but probably the 10th I actually finished.

Halfway through I learned about railroading and the stitches started to look different. Also at least one chicken is slightly taller than the others. But we all start somewhere!

#crossstitch #Xstitch #stitching #embroidery #crafts #crafting

Last updated 2 years ago