I first met #XuZhiyong in 2007. In April, he was jailed for a second time, this time for 14 years. He’s fasting for a day to commemorate #June4TiananmenMassacre. He’s also calling for us all to do the same. He’s just so courageous.
#june4tiananmenmassacre #XuZhiyong
Joint statement by German and French foreign ministries on sentencing of legal scholar #XuZhiyong (14 years in jail) and human rights lawyers #DingJiaxi (12 years in jail) and detention of human rights lawyer #YuWensheng and his wife #XuYan
#XuYan #YuWensheng #DingJiaxi #XuZhiyong
Many years ago, I was involved in arranging #XuZhiyong to be a speaker of a legal seminar in Hong Kong. I was the only staff of the organisation handling various stuff and was late for several hours to pick up Xu Zhiyong. He didn't complain. He made good points at the seminar. 1/
中方已判处(两名)人权律师许志永和丁家喜, 分别判处有期徒刑14年和12年。两位呼吁提高中国的透明度和民主。联合国任意拘留问题工作组认为他们是被任意拘留的。欧盟呼吁立即无条件释放他们。
RT @NabilaEUspox: China sentenced human rights lawyers #XuZhiyong & #DingJiaxi to 14 and 12 years of prison. They were calling for transparency and democracy. According to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention they were arbitrarily detained. We call for their unconditional release.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUdelChina/status/1645649608591245315
RT @SteffenWurzel: 🇨🇳 #Chinas Staats- und Parteiführung schickt zwei weitere kritische Anwälte für viele Jahre ins Gefängnis: 14 Jahre Haft für #XuZhiyong, 12 Jahre Haft für #DingJiaxi. Ein weiterer heftiger Schlag für Chinas kaum noch vorhandene Zivilgesellschaft.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/BasBelderMEP/status/1645435045866360834
It’s outrageous and extremely sad to learn about that legal scholar #XuZhiyong and human rights lawyers #DingJiaxi have been sentenced to 14 years and 12 years imprisonment respectively. So heavy sentence for simply expressing their views. #FreeSpeech
#FreeSpeech #DingJiaxi #XuZhiyong
RT @CHRDnet@twitter.com
Today is #LiQiaochu's birthday! 🎂🥂🎁
We wish we could say happy birthday to her, but, unfortunately, she has been unjustly detained since February, right after she broke the news about how her partner #XuZhiyong and activist #DingJiaxi were tortured
#LiQiaochu #XuZhiyong #DingJiaxi