Jodi Green · @jodilicious
41 followers · 246 posts · Server

Here's a better look, by daylight, at the tiny quilt I made yesterday in the workshop at ASIL ( Now that I've practiced a bit at this scale I'm totally jumping into making a big quilt for my bed. If you're in and want to learn this there's another class on April 13 and it's super fun!

This one's going to be a tea mug mat for next to my sewing machine.

#WindsorON #YQG #quilting #handquilting #tinyquilt

Last updated 2 years ago

deakat · @Ideakat
127 followers · 151 posts · Server

I'm having very little luck finding anyone geographically local to me (on the Canadian side of the border). Hello Banana Belt denizens!

#WindsorON #SouthDetroit #YQG #EssexCounty

Last updated 2 years ago