Yakuza’s GOG collection is missing credits for key devs and studios, including the series’ creator and producer - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/yakuzas-gog-collection-is-missing-credits-for-key-devs-and-studios-including-the-series-creator-and-producer #MultiplayerCompetitive #Yakuza6:TheSongOfLife #SEGACorporation #ActionAdventure #YakuzaKiwami2 #YakuzaKiwami #SinglePlayer #Firstperson #Thirdperson #Simulation #SEGAEurope #Hack&Slash; #DeepSilver #SEGAJapan #Fighting #Yakuza5 #Yakuza0 #Yakuza
#Yakuza #yakuza0 #Yakuza5 #fighting #segajapan #deepsilver #hack #SegaEurope #simulation #thirdperson #firstperson #singleplayer #YakuzaKiwami #YakuzaKiwami2 #ActionAdventure #segacorporation #Yakuza6 #multiplayercompetitive
C'è un giapponese che si sveglia nudo su una spiaggia.
Sembra l'inizio di una barzelletta, invece è il trailer di Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, ottavo capitolo della serie prima conosciuta come Yakuza.
#yakuza #likeadragon #videogiochi #videogames #gaming #nerd
#Yakuza #LikeADragon #videogiochi #videogames #gaming #nerd
Ancora su #LastJudgment e leggerissimamente in tema con oggi: dovevo trovare un lavoro di copertura a scuola, ma il preside si è rifiutato di assegnarmi il ruolo di professore, ma ok per tutor esterno. Considerando che la base è della serie #Yakuza e il protagonista risolve metà dei problemi con chiacchiere e metà a schiaffi marziali, sono stato assunto come consulente di ballo
(flessibilità, kung fu=danza jpop). Amo questo gioco e i suoi contesti creativi
#lastjudgment #Yakuza #videogames
Ci voleva proprio un mezzo brutale come il minigioco del zappare la terra, coltivare e vendere verdure e cucinarle pure, per farmi venire davvero la voglia di mangiare più sano? Questo è quanto tanto sia influente #Yakuza/#RGG/#LikeaDragonIshin/come lo volete chiamare su di me. Viva la #SEGA, proprio.
RGG Studio debut a docuseries delving into Like A Dragon 8's development - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/rgg-studio-debut-a-docuseries-delving-into-like-a-dragon-8s-development #ActionAdventure #LikeaDragon8 #RGGStudio #StoryRich #Yakuza #SEGA #JRPG
#jrpg #sega #Yakuza #StoryRich #rggstudio #LikeaDragon8 #ActionAdventure
Se ci penso è un po' assurda come cosa: il primo gioco che prendo per la PS5 è il remake di un gioco di lancio della 4!
What order should you play the Yakuza games? - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/what-order-should-you-play-the-yakuza-games #LikeaDragonGaiden:TheManWhoErasedHisName #Yakuza6:TheSongOfLife #Yakuza:LikeaDragon #LikeaDragon:Ishin #RyuGaGotokuStudio #Yakuza3Remaster #ActionAdventure #Yakuza4Remaster #YakuzaKiwami2 #YakuzaKiwami #LikeaDragon8 #StoryRich #Yakuza0 #Yakuza5 #Yakuza #SEGA #JRPG #RPG
#rpg #jrpg #sega #Yakuza5 #yakuza0 #StoryRich #LikeaDragon8 #YakuzaKiwami #YakuzaKiwami2 #yakuza4remaster #ActionAdventure #yakuza3remaster #RyuGaGotokuStudio #LikeaDragon #Yakuza #Yakuza6 #LikeaDragonGaiden
Wrestler Kenny Omega and actor Rahul Kohli will cameo in Like a Dragon: Ishin!
https://www.destructoid.com/like-a-dragon-ishin-kenny-omega-rahul-kohli-trooper-cards/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=like-a-dragon-ishin-kenny-omega-rahul-kohli-trooper-cards #LIkeaDragon:Ishin #Celebrities #PlayStation #KennyOmega #crossover #Yakuza #News #Sega #xbox #PC
#likeadragon #celebrities #PlayStation #KennyOmega #crossover #Yakuza #News #Sega #xbox #PC
Another samurai-period Like A Dragon remake might happen if Ishin does well - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/another-samurai-period-like-a-dragon-remake-might-happen-if-ishin-does-well #LikeADragon:Kenzan #LikeaDragon:Ishin #RyuGaGotokuStudio #ActionAdventure #Hack&Slash; #Historical #StoryRich #Yakuza
#Yakuza #StoryRich #Historical #hack #ActionAdventure #RyuGaGotokuStudio #LikeaDragon
Now we know why Yakuza games are obsessed with karaoke - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/now-we-know-why-yakuza-games-are-obsessed-with-karaoke #RyuGaGotokuStudio #Yakuza #SEGA #JRPG
#jrpg #sega #Yakuza #RyuGaGotokuStudio
#yakuza #ryugagotoku #ShunAkiyama
Young girl comes to Sky Finace and asks for a 4.4 million yen loan. When asked why does she need this money she gives vague answers, something like "for the wedding", but finally she explains that this money are needed for a Russian Astranaut to return on Earth and marry her. Shun tells her that it all sounds like a scam but she ignores him and tells that he "sounds like her friend" but that it's definitely not a scam because she has photos. Shun decides to help her and send her to run some arrands "as a test". While she is gone Shun goes to investigate. Firstly, he goes to the friend the girl mentioned. She gives him more details and clues for the investigation that ultimately leads to the photostudio where Shun sees "Russian astronaut" taking photos pretending to be in space. Later at Sky Finance Shun tells the girl that as final part of the test she must take the part-time job at that photostudio. She goes there and sees the "astronaut" herself. The lie is revealed she starts screaming at the guy, he lashes out and tries to hit her but Shun interferes. Substory ends with a fight where Shun has to defeat "Russian Astronaut" in full spacesuit
#Yakuza #ryugagotoku #ShunAkiyama
Japanese dating show Love Wagon has surprising parallels with Yakuza and Persona - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/japanese-dating-show-love-wagon-has-surprising-parallels-with-yakuza-and-persona #RyuGaGotokuStudio #Supportersonly #Persona5Royal #Persona5 #Yakuza #Atlus #JRPG #SEGA
#RyuGaGotokuStudio #Supportersonly #persona5royal #persona5 #Yakuza #atlus #jrpg #sega
The Judgment Collection is a perfect gateway into the Yakuza series - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/the-judgment-collection-is-a-perfect-gateway-into-the-yakuza-series #TheJudgmentCollection #RyuGaGotokuStudio #ActionAdventure #LostJudgment #Blockbuster #Judgment #Yakuza #SEGA
#TheJudgmentCollection #RyuGaGotokuStudio #ActionAdventure #LostJudgment #blockbuster #judgment #Yakuza #sega
Judgment mod adds cut actor Pierre Taki back into the game - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/judgment-mod-adds-cut-actor-pierre-taki-back-into-the-game #TheJudgmentCollection #RyuGaGotokuStudio #ActionAdventure #OpenWorld #StoryRich #Judgment #Yakuza #Mods #SEGA
#TheJudgmentCollection #RyuGaGotokuStudio #ActionAdventure #openworld #StoryRich #judgment #Yakuza #mods #sega
Ryu Ga Gotoku confirm their series isn't Yakuza anymore, it’s Like A Dragon - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/ryu-ga-gotoku-confirm-their-series-isnt-yakuza-anymore-its-like-a-dragon #LikeaDragonGaiden:TheManWhoErasedHisName #Yakuza:LikeaDragon #LikeaDragon:Ishin #RyuGaGotokuStudio #ActionAdventure #LikeaDragon8 #Historical #StoryRich #Comedy #Yakuza #SEGA #JRPG #RPG
#LikeaDragonGaiden #Yakuza #LikeaDragon #RyuGaGotokuStudio #ActionAdventure #LikeaDragon8 #Historical #StoryRich #comedy #sega #jrpg #rpg
RT @Same_VoiceActor@twitter.com
In Japanese, Kazuma Kiryu from Yakuza has the same voice actor as Sakamoto Ryoma from Like A Dragon: Ishin.
Voiced by Takaya Kuroda
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Same_VoiceActor/status/1570722319525609473
The Judgment Collection finally brings Yakuza's spin-off series to Steam - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/the-judgment-collection-finally-brings-yakuzas-spin-off-series-to-steam #TheJudgmentCollection #RyuGaGotokuStudio #ActionAdventure #LostJudgment #OpenWorld #StoryRich #Judgment #Stealth #Yakuza #SEGA
#TheJudgmentCollection #RyuGaGotokuStudio #ActionAdventure #LostJudgment #openworld #StoryRich #judgment #Stealth #Yakuza #sega
Kazuma Kiryu goes all John Wick in Yakuza sidestory Like A Dragon Gaiden - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/kazuma-kiryu-goes-all-john-wick-in-yakuza-sidestory-like-a-dragon-gaiden #LikeaDragonGaiden:TheManWhoErasedHisName #Yakuza:LikeaDragon #LikeaDragon:Ishin #RyuGaGotokuStudio #ActionAdventure #LikeaDragon8 #StoryRich #OpenWorld #SEGA
#LikeaDragonGaiden #Yakuza #LikeaDragon #RyuGaGotokuStudio #ActionAdventure #LikeaDragon8 #StoryRich #openworld #sega
Sega unveil new Yakuza game Like A Dragon 8 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/sega-unveil-new-yakuza-game-like-a-dragon-8 #LikeaDragonGaiden:TheManWhoErasedHisName #Yakuza:LikeaDragon #RyuGaGotokuStudio #ActionAdventure #LikeaDragon8 #StoryRich #Yakuza #JRPG #SEGA #RPG
#LikeaDragonGaiden #Yakuza #RyuGaGotokuStudio #ActionAdventure #LikeaDragon8 #StoryRich #jrpg #sega #rpg
Qualche mese fa ho finito Yakuza 3 e parlando con un mio amico discutevamo del fatto che è un peccato ci siano molti titoli della serie ancora inediti in occidente. Quando ieri sera durante lo State of Play ho rivisto il faccione di Kiryu in versione samurai mi si è stampato sulla faccia un ghigno che non è ancora scomparso!