Comoda fare i libertari dove ci sono le democrazie, vedi #Assange e #Snowden. Coraggiosi, ma fino a un certo punto. Rischiano, ma non troppo. Invece essere libertari in #Russia come #Karamurza e #Yashin è decisamente un'altra cosa. Ma un popolo di cacicchi come il nostro non capirà mai la differenza. Infatti abbiamo #governo e #opposizione che ci meritiamo.
#assange #snowden #russia #karamurza #Yashin #governo #opposizione
‘#Putin has gone mad from power’: #Kremlin critic Ilya Yashin speaks out from Russian prison
Andrew Roth in #Moscow" -
"Writing from a cell in a Russian jail known as the Bear, Ilya Yashin remained as defiant as ever. In neat, blue-ink lettering, the opposition politician was able to express himself candidly despite his incarceration. Removing Vladimir Putin from power, he wrote, was a prerequisite to “avoiding the risks of a new world war”.
“As long as Putin retains power, war, or at least the threat of war, will be permanent,” Yashin said in written answers to questions from the Guardian, delivered by his lawyers this week. “This man has gone mad from unlimited power and impunity, he has become a slave to his maniacal ambitions.”
#IlyaYashin #Yashin #Russia #RussianPolitics #Ukraine #UkraineWar #Opposition
#putin #kremlin #moscow #ilyayashin #Yashin #russia #RussianPolitics #ukraine #UkraineWar #opposition
Russian opposition leader #Yashin sentenced to 8.5 years in prison for discussing Russian atrocities in the #Bucha massacre
#bne #bneEditorsPicks #EmergingMarkets #Russia #Ukraine #sanctions #RussiaUkraineWar #UkraineWar
#UkraineWar #russiaukrainewar #sanctions #ukraine #Russia #emergingmarkets #bneeditorspicks #bne #Bucha #Yashin
2017 trafen wir uns noch in Berlin, redeten lange. Er erzählte von einer düsteren Zukunft in Putins Reich. Wir hätten ihm besser zuhören sollen. #yashin
After Ilya #Yashin was sentenced, four people were detained in court
The bailiffs had claims because of the applause in the courtroom.
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It is readily believed that the paranoid bunker does not know the opposition politician #Yashin, who for a long time closely communicated and collaborated with #BorisNemtsov.
The latter, by the way, was afraid of the bunker like fire.
Ilya #Yashin was found guilty of spreading "fakes" about the #Russian army.
The verdict continues to be read in court.
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#Yashin hearing postponed till Friday 12 noon. Unless there’s another weird bomb threat …
#Russia, La pubblica accusa ha chiesto al tribunale russo di condannare #IlyaYashin, uno dei dissidenti e oppositori di Putin più noti in Russia, a 9 anni di carcere.
Il suo crimine è aver mostrato i crimini contro l’umanità dell’esercito russo a #Bucha. #Yashin il 7 Aprile aveva parlato dei crimini di guerra perpetrati dalla Russia di #Putin a Bucha, in #Ucraina, qualche settimana l'inizio della guerra.
#russia #ilyayashin #Bucha #Yashin #putin #ucraina
A #Russian court extended Ilya #Yashin's arrest by six months.
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