#opiniãoImpopular do dia
Bangles era MUITO, MAS MUITO mais punk que o Sex Pistols
#unpopularOpinion of the day:
Bangles was WAY WAY WAY more punker than Sex Pistols
#opiniaoimpopular #prontofalei #unpopularopinion #YeahISaidIt
Starting the "Abrahamic" section of my World Religions course and am reminded again of how utterly stupid thst classification is.
Next time I want to organize the course around Trinitarian and non-Trinitarian traditions. So Hinduism (with the Trimurti and Tridevi) can hang out with Christianity (and that Trinity).
It would be more meaningful.
"Abrahamic traditions" my....
#worldreligions #YeahISaidIt #religiousstudies #Religidons
Nietzsche's claim that "God is dead" is one that only a Christian could or would make.
Sorry, let me clsrify: Nietzsche is sooo Christian.
#bringiton #philosophymastodon #YeahISaidIt
Sometimes people say, re US politics, "our democracy can't get worse." And then #philosophy peeps are like, "um...#Plato".
And sometimes prople say, "yay, we are temporarily safe from descending into tyranny!" And philosophy peeps are like, "yup, Plato."
[But also IMO Aristotle is even better for this. #YeahISaidIt ]
#demos #greek #ancientphilosophy #GreatBooks #nevada #senate
#senate #nevada #greatbooks #AncientPhilosophy #greek #demos #YeahISaidIt #plato #philosophy