@jackomono #AlienRPG von #FreeLeague kann echt was. Ich fand den cinematic Mode oder wie das heißt richtig gut und ich fremdel eigentlich echt mit dem #YearZero Engine. #Mothership finde ich für das Working Class-Leute-werden-im-(Halleffekt ein)-WELTRAUM-mit-Survival Horror-und-Corporate Goons-konfrontiert noch einmal viel-viel besser. Der Alien Kanon ist mir zu ausgelatsch und dann ist da der Prometheus-Schrott
#AlienRPG #FreeLeague #YearZero #mothership
Coriolis Campaign I—A review of Emissary Lost, the first part of the Mercy of the Icons campaign for Coriolis: The Third Horizon published by Free League Publishing.
#reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #YearZero #SwedishRPG #TTRPG #TTRPGS
#reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #YearZero #swedishrpg #ttrpg #ttrpgs
Latest Blog Post, recounting my playthrough of @FreeLeaguePub Alien RPG scenario Chariot of the Gods.
#TTRPGs #TTRPGgblogs #AlienRPG #YearZero
#ttrpgs #ttrpggblogs #AlienRPG #YearZero
Kingdom of Consternation—A review of Vaesen – Mythic Britain & Ireland, Graeme Davis’ sourcebook for #VAESEN – Nordic #Horror Roleplaying published by Free League.
#reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #FreeLeague #YearZero #Horror
#ttrpg #ttrpgs
#Vaesen #horror #reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #FreeLeague #YearZero #ttrpg #ttrpgs
@taffysaint I do believe part 3 of their big campaign is planned already, hope to see it soon. Scaling issues is sadly a common issue with #FreeLeague / #YearZero games in my experience. I'm ending a 70 session #ForbiddenLands campaign this month, and the main reason I'm switching away is because the scaling started breaking after 25-30 sessions and only got worse after that. Still love the system, but going to use it only for shorter campaigns in the future.
#FreeLeague #YearZero #ForbiddenLands
I am quite excited about running a #Coriolis campaign, but I think having all players sit around and waiting for most of combat while one player thinks about what to do on the current turn is one of the worst ways possible to manage everyone getting equal turns to act.
Are there any alternative initiative systems for #YearZero games worth looking into?
@montecook Meanwhile, I once posted the phrase "is this progress, or the legal equivalent of submissive urination" in response to #OGL 1.2, and the flames started crackling on my Masto timeline in minutes. #WotC has really, REALLY alienated almost everybody I follow. I'm looking at starting a second campaign, and we're not considering #DnD for it. It'll be #CypherSystem, #Starfinder, or #YearZero (Gen Lab Alpha). Nobody's in the mood for Wizards' BS.
#YearZero #starfinder #cyphersystem #dnd #wotc #ogl
Folkloric Fearsome Foursome II—A review of Seasons of Mysteries , the anthology of scenarios for #VAESEN – Nordic #Horror Roleplaying the 19th Century RPG of Scandinavian folkloric horror published by Free League.
#reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #FreeLeague #YearZero #Horror
#Vaesen #horror #reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #FreeLeague #YearZero #ttrpg #ttrpgs
#FreeLeague just announced that are developing two new gaming licenses, one for #YearZero engine and one for #DragonBane https://mailchi.mp/frialigan/newsletter-ogl
#FreeLeague #YearZero #DragonBane
@Agarzia #CypherSystem is still my favorite, although the #YearZero engine (which powers games like #TalesFromTheLoop) is quickly gaining speed.
If you want to watch some great Tales From the Loop APs, check out @unMadeGaming's Twitch channel. If you want to watch some of us play superheroes in Cypher System, check out my Twitch channel every other Monday night.
#cyphersystem #YearZero #TalesFromTheLoop
Ein kleiner #YouTube Rückblick:
Ich war ja 2022 recht umtriebig und habe sehr viel mit verschiedenen Formaten experimentiert. Doch wie viele Videos inklusive Shorts sind es geworden die ich veröffentlicht habe bis jetzt? #PNPDe #PenAndPaper #Rollenspiel #ContentCreator #Coriolis #DieVerbotenenLande #Vaesen #Spire #YearZero
#youtube #pnpde #penandpaper #rollenspiel #contentcreator #Coriolis #DieVerbotenenLande #Vaesen #Spire #YearZero
Welcome Year Zero
#ghost #ghostband #ghostbc #cardinalcopia #papaiv #YearZero #FanArt #art #artist #DigitalArt #illustration #drawing #procreate
#ghost #ghostband #ghostbc #cardinalcopia #papaiv #YearZero #FanArt #art #artist #DigitalArt #illustration #drawing #procreate
Walking Dead RPG coming from Free League.
I'm not a huge fan of the Walking Dead, but I'm a double huge fan of Free League, specifically the Year Zero Engine.
I'll buy this when it hits. I tend to enjoy the high-octane pulp heroism of 2d20 more than the survival elements of Year Zero, but they're always quality books that I'm excited to have on my shelf.
#TWD #TheWalkingDead #FreeLeague #FriaLigan #YearZero #ttrpg
#twd #thewalkingdead #FreeLeague #FriaLigan #YearZero #ttrpg
@blackwingedheaven Was the switch from #YearZero to #SavageWorlds for familiarity, or did you find the Free League house system unwieldy/unsuited in some way?
Apparently for federation purposes I'm supposed to use the #introduction tag, though I assume people will scroll past.
Me: Dad, #tabletop nerd, #cooking, #gardening, #PDX, former #lawyer, lumber coder. Probably in that order.
TTRPG Top 5: #Spire, #FitD, #2d20, #YearZero, #Wildsea
Boardgames Top 5: INIS, Concordia, LCGs, Unmatched, Spirit Island
Food Top 5: Cinnamon Rolls, Beef Stroganoff, Shepherds Pie (NOT COTTAGE), Chocolate Yogurt, Fresh Bread
I believe in inclusive and safe communities.
#introduction #tabletop #cooking #gardening #pdx #lawyer #Spire #fitd #2D20 #YearZero #Wildsea
I'm looking forward to running #Vaesen for my regular group this spoopy season. Published by #FreeLeague, it's billed as a "Nordic Horror" #TTRPG, set in nineteenth century Scandinavia. It's based on the #YearZero engine, tracking physical and mental health separately.
I hope the book finds its way here in the next couple days. I'd prefer having a physical copy over running the game from the PDF.
If anybody is familiar, can you think of a good mystery I can run as a roughly five-hour oneshot?
#vaesen #FreeLeague #ttrpg #YearZero
Pulp Action Year Zero—A review of Temples & Tombs, the Pulp Action roleplaying game using Free League Publishing’s Year Zero Engine, published by Gallant Knight Games.
#reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #YearZero
#reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #YearZero #ttrpg #ttrpgs
Bearfaced Horror—A review of Midnight Hunt, a scenario by Gaz Bowerbank for #VAESEN – Nordic #Horror Roleplaying, the 19th Century RPG of Scandinavian folkloric horror published by Free League.
#reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #FreeLeague #YearZero #Horror
#Vaesen #horror #reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #FreeLeague #YearZero
To Read: #waywardchildren series by #seananmcguire , #gideontheninth by #tamsynmuir , short story The Salt Witch by #MarthaWells https://uncannymagazine.com/article/the-salt-witch/ & this #zombieapocalypse graphic novel #YearZero by #BenPercy & #RamonRosanas https://globalcomix.com/c/year-zero
To watch: #theuntamed on viki (apparently the subtitles are superior to netflix's) https://www.viki.com/tv/36657c-the-untamed#
#waywardchildren #seananmcguire #gideontheninth #tamsynmuir #MarthaWells #zombieapocalypse #YearZero #BenPercy #RamonRosanas #theuntamed