Welcome to this week's Friday Flashback inspired by #Yellowjackets, and thanks for reading my article on the harmful "postfeminist" and "colorblind" ideology that was common in the '90s. This week's example is a really painful one. CN: gender violence. 1/ https://msmagazine.com/2023/03/24/yellowjackets-review-feminism/
What's up, #Yellowjackets fans! Since I couldn't fit all of my antiracist feminist '90s lore into one article, I'm sharing Friday Flashbacks during S2.
Ah, yes, the '90s, a spuriously postfeminist and postracial time, very problematic. As someone whose higher ed journey was convoluted, in my twenties I had many friends with a higher level of education. 1/3
Начал смотреть #Yellowjackets и уже после 2 серий в полном восторге!
У меня, конечно, есть правило — не смотреть сериалы с рейтингом ниже 8, — но, кажется, надо снижать порог до 7,5. Из-за глупого предрассудка я чуть не пропустил офигительнейший хоррор!
Ready for #yellowjackets Season 2? I was a teen in the '90s, and I HAVE THOUGHTS. Check out my Gen X feminist analysis in @MsMagazine!
'Yellowjackets': A Tale of Cannibalism and ... Feminism? msmagazine.com/2023/03/24/yellowjackets-review-feminism?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=SocialWarfare via @msmagazine
Yellowjackets: nel cast della seconda stagione ci sarà Elijah Wood #ElijahWood #showtime #Yellowjackets #20agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9vcmdvZ2xpb25lcmQuaXQveWVsbG93amFja2V0cy1zZWNvbmRhLXN0YWdpb25lLWVsaWphaC13b29kLw==
#20agosto #YellowJackets #showtime #ElijahWood
Yellowjackets 2: Elijah Wood nel cast della serie - Movieplayer.it #yellowjackets #elijah #wood #cast #serie #movieplayerit #19agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cDovL21vdmllcGxheWVyLml0L25ld3MveWVsbG93amFja2V0cy0yLWVsaWphaC13b29kLWNhc3RfMTE1OTE1Lw==
#19agosto #movieplayerit #serie #cast #wood #elijah #YellowJackets
Yellowjackets - Un mistero lungo venticinque anni | Seriangolo #yellowjackets #mistero #venticinque #seriangolo #17maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2VyaWFuZ29sby5pdC8yMDIyLzA1L3llbGxvd2phY2tldHMtdW4tbWlzdGVyby1sdW5nby12ZW50aWNpbnF1ZS1hbm5pLw==
#17maggio #seriangolo #venticinque #mistero #YellowJackets