Karess Capella · @Ladykaress
84 followers · 1994 posts · Server brighteon.social
Karess Capella · @Ladykaress
84 followers · 1993 posts · Server brighteon.social
Karess Capella · @Ladykaress
84 followers · 1989 posts · Server brighteon.social
Karess Capella · @Ladykaress
84 followers · 1988 posts · Server brighteon.social
Karess Capella · @Ladykaress
84 followers · 1985 posts · Server brighteon.social
Karess Capella · @Ladykaress
84 followers · 1983 posts · Server brighteon.social
Karess Capella · @Ladykaress
84 followers · 1981 posts · Server brighteon.social
Karess Capella · @Ladykaress
84 followers · 1980 posts · Server brighteon.social
Karess Capella · @Ladykaress
84 followers · 1887 posts · Server brighteon.social
Karess Capella · @Ladykaress
84 followers · 1880 posts · Server brighteon.social
Karess Capella · @Ladykaress
84 followers · 2082 posts · Server brighteon.social
Karess Capella · @Ladykaress
84 followers · 2077 posts · Server brighteon.social

Psa 43:3 Oh, send out Your light and Your truth! Let them lead me; Let them bring me to Your holy hill And to Your tabernacle.

God is a guiding light and can be compared to the Sun that makes it possible for us to live and see during the day. Without the Sun there is no life and that is true when you do not have God in your life. You won’t be physically dead but you will be spiritually dead.
God is also the truth and every word He speaks in scripture is that truth. Without the truth we are in bondage or imprisoned by our human ways of thinking that put us in sin.

We want to connect with you, visit voh.church/connect. This will give you access to daily bible studies during the week.

#Yeshua #relationship #lie #truth #dark #light #thevoiceofhealing #apostlemichaelpetro

Last updated 2 years ago

Revelation = Unveiling

There is a misconception that the Book of Revelation is about the end of the world.

The word “revelation”, in the Greek, comes from the root word “apokaluptō”, which means the destruction or removal of the veil. The purpose of a veil is to hide or conceal something; so this word really speaks of removing the covering in order to see/understand something that wasn’t known before.

Revelation 1:1, “[This is] the revelation of Jesus Christ…” Since we understand revelation to have a deeper meaning, we can see that John was really saying: “this is the unveiling of Jesus”. It’s not about destruction, but seeing who He truly is, so we can understand His plans of restoration.

Do you want to learn more?

Visit voh.church/connect to find out more!

#heaven #knowledge #Veil #Mystery #Reveal #Yeshua #thevoiceofhealing #apostlemichaelpetro

Last updated 2 years ago

God’s Shadow
So, the darkness where God hides is not a place of wickedness, but a shadowy or secret place. It’s a place of ignorance in us where we don’t fully see the image of God, or where the Word of God is not fully seen. He dwells in the shadow or secret places, which are also known as the mysteries of Scripture. It’s not that God wants to remain hidden; He wants to show us who He really is and what He looks like, but, in order for that to happen, there must be a removal of the veils that cover His Word.
It’s in the secret place that He releases revelation to us. “I will open my mouth in a parable (in instruction by numerous examples); I will utter dark sayings of old [that hide important truth],” (Ps 78:2).

Full article → bit.ly/3kjyKzO

Resources for scripture visit voh.church/resources.

#secret #truth #Yeshua #Mystery #shadow #thevoiceofhealing #apostlemichaelpetro

Last updated 2 years ago

What does it mean to be operating in the prophetic?
The spirit of prophecy has little to do with giving people words and more to do with how one interprets scripture.
According to the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon Bible Dictionary, the word “prophet” speaks of “one who brings forth the inner fruit,” or the "seed inside.” Yeshua tells us the parable of a seed and how it is actually symbolic of the Word of God (Luke 8:11). The seed inside is the mysteries of Scripture.
The word “prophet” is also known as “a knowledge of something that is not known by the five senses.” This means that seeing and hearing aren’t something done by human eyes or ears; rather, interpreting Scripture must be done with spiritual eyes and ears.

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#bible #Hear #See #Yeshua #fruit #release #torah #spirit #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

Broken by Dr. Ronald Burton

In general, the patterns of behavior, eating, sleeping, exercising, smoking, excessive alcohol, use of illegal drugs, etc. has many variables, but is primarily influenced by how one thinks or believes. The belief system one has can lead to addictive patterns, good or bad. What was it in Christ that allowed Him to heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons? It is the same thing being offered to us and Jesus said we would do even greater works (ref John 14:12). So, if you’re broken in spirit, soul or body, trust Christ in you to make it straight.

For full article: bit.ly/3CzfHHD

Visit voh.church/resources for more in depth foundational and spiritual teachings in scripture.

#Mystery #pattern #christ #believe #Reveal #priest #father #Yeshua #heal #body #Purify #gold #silver #Redeem #apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

Access Behind the Veil is now available in PDF!

Bishop @michaeljopetro's heart is that the Love of the Father fills the heart of His people. This book was written for the ones who are hungry to feel His presence everyday of their lives. The ones who desire a deep, close connection to Father. For the remnant who yearn to truly see the Glory of God.

Download your copy by visiting voh.church/abtvpdf.

#Yeshua #truth #bible #Mystery #thevoiceofhealing #AccessBehindTheVeil #apostlemichaelpetro

Last updated 2 years ago

Welcome everyone!!
Our arms are open to all who are seeking truth through God, come with an expectation to receive the Holy Spirit in your life through the parabolic teachings of Jesus Christ.

Bring your babies and children to come be apart of our Mighty Trumpets.

We look forward to seeing you there!!

Location: 2626 Sage Rd, Houston, TX 77056
Time: 11 AM CT

For more info on location and times visit voh.church/info, or email connect@voh.church.

#restore #rapture #Ascend #Earth #heaven #fight #army #freedom #dance #love #family #glory #debt #release #Worship #Praise #Judah #Messiah #Hebrew #mind #heart #Soul #Yeshua #HolySpirit #deliverance #healing #texas #houston

Last updated 2 years ago

The Spirit of Revelation

Rev 1:1 [THIS IS] the revelation of Jesus Christ [His unveiling of the divine mysteries]. God gave it to Him to disclose and make known to His bond servants certain things which must shortly and speedily come to pass [1] in their entirety. AMP

Revelation derives from the Greek word apokalupsis (G602) but its root origin is apokalupto (G601) from the strong’s dictionary. Apokalupsis means that something is being revealed, manifested, lightened, and appearing. The root word apokalupto has two parts to it. Apo means, “to take off” and kalupto means “to cover up or veil”, so when these two words are together they mean to take off the veil.

For more insight on these deeper concepts, visit bit.ly/3Y4OsOj.

#Understand #Humble #teach #light #heart #innocent #pure #knowledge #Know #relationship #Mystery #deep #Yeshua #Salvation #deliverance #healing

Last updated 2 years ago