The #JointInvestigationTeam targeting crimes against #Yezidi victims in Syria & Iraq has been extended:
Belgium 🇧🇪 & the Netherlands 🇳🇱 have joined as members of the JIT, which is actively supported by #Eurojust and has already shown concrete results.
#JointInvestigationTeam #Yezidi #Eurojust
RT @JoelVeldkamp: Online conference about refugee experiences on the 20th, featuring speakers from the #Hazara and #Yezidi communities.
@HewanOmer @S_Chelvan
RT @YazdaOrg: Happy Yazidi New Year from #Lalish!
Sàr Sala Êzdiyan pîroz be! 🦚 #CarsemaSareSale
#newyear #ezidi #ezdixan #yazidi #yezidi #culture
#Lalish #CarsemaSareSale #NewYear #ezidi #ezdixan #Yazidi #Yezidi #Culture
Vor wenigen Wochen war ich in #syrien
Unweit entfernt des #shingal Gebirges
Unweit des #AlHol Lagers wo Tausende von #ISIS Kämpfer*innen sitzen
Unweit haben 2014 viele #Yezidi eine Flucht und einen #Genozid erlebt
Heute hat der @bundestag diesen als #Voelkermord anerkannt
RT @k_langensiepen: Eine Woche war ich in #Nordsyrien unterwegs.
Klar ist, wir dürfen diese Region nicht alleine lassen!
In der @tazgezwitscher könnt ihr heute mehr zu meiner Reise lese…
#Syrien #Shingal #alHol #ISIS #Yezidi #Genozid #Voelkermord #Nordsyrien
RT @MDinnayi: I welcome the decision of the German Supreme Federal Court (#BGH) that has confirmed judicial decision of the Court in Frankfurt (OVG) on the case of #Yezidi #Genocide. Now the way is open for the official recognition in #Bundestag @hib_Nachrichten @spdbt @GrueneBundestag @csu_bt
#bgh #Yezidi #Genocide #Bundestag
RT @RaviSinghKA
2014: 1000s of #Yezidi women were taken as captives by ISIS in Iraq. Many girls were sold into slavery where they faced rape & torture.
@Khals_Aid has been assisting those who returned and their families.
RT @RaviSinghKA
The #Yezidi people of #Iraq became targets of ISIS in 2014.
1000s of Yezidi women were taken as sex slaves & sold repeatedly!The world stood back because this community doesn’t have anything economically to offer the west, like oil ! @Khalsa_Aid been supporting since 2015
RT @AzzatAlsaleem: “He told me you are a #Yezidi, either we will kiII you or you will convert to lsIam . I said, please kill me, don’t rape me, I love my husband. He said it’s not your decision. This is halal. In the Koran,it’s mentioned that you can take the women of other religions as sex slaves“
This week a friend of mine, a #yezidi from northern Iraq, told me that she is going to start a cafe. She lives in a refugee camp (IDP - Internally Displaced Person) in Iraq, but she still wants to do things, even when she lives in so bad conditions. I hope to visit her and my other yezidi friends one day. I still think their troubles are too forgotten by the world at large.
An impressive conference on #Psychotherapy in #Conflict Regions at University of Duhok in the #Kurdistan Region of Iraq. It was sobering to hear from Kurdish and international researchers and practitioners about #refugee #MentalHealth, transgenerational #trauma, and #psychosocial work in the wake of conflict and the ISIS #genocide of the #Yezidi community. Grateful we could share our research on experiences and practices of community inclusion of people with severe mental illness in #Palestine.
#palestine #Yezidi #genocide #psychosocial #trauma #mentalhealth #refugee #kurdistan #conflict #psychotherapy
This is a #Yezidi #Yazidi sex slave. If you find zero connection between it and the British monarchy, then most of our posts will seem strange and even extreme at times. If things get too "real" for you, the solution would be to unfollow or block us, not to ban us from the platform entirely! Got it #Mastodon?
RT @Free_Yezidi: Registration opens today for FYF VIRTUAL #Yezidi #Yazidi #YazidiGenocide commemoration. Register here:
Eight years on, prevention, recovery, justice remain critical for Yezidis and for ongoing atrocities #Ukraine #Afghanistan #Rohinya #Uygher #Tigray .
#Yezidi #Yazidi #YazidiGenocide #Ukraine #Afghanistan #Rohinya #Uygher #Tigray
RT @Free_Yezidi: FYF, @SinjarAcademy , Youth Bridge will hold in-person commemoration event for the #Yezidi #Yazidi community on 3 August 2022. This will be by + for Yezidis to commemorate and discuss challenges and path forward. We encourage friends and allies to come and support the community.
RT @Free_Yezidi: Once again, #Turkey airforce attacks and kills #Iraq citizens without consequences - this time in #ZAKHO . Turkey has been bombing #Yezidi #Yazidi in #Sinjar , dozens of casualties, with no meaningful response. @nato: Turkey is a menace to peace and stability in #Iraq and #Syria!
#Turkey #Iraq #ZAKHO #Yezidi #Yazidi #Sinjar #Syria
Yezidi Security Forces Reconvene to Defend Their Community
#Yezidi #CommunityDefense #Rojava
#Yezidi #communitydefense #Rojava