The Goblin's Corner · @goblinscorner
167 followers · 296 posts · Server

This week, we explore D&D's famous, multi-dimensional tree Yggdrasil, the World Ash. Learn how to climb its limbs and explore the cosmos!

#ttrpg #dnd5e #Yggdrasil #planes

Last updated 1 year ago

Rick Under · @ground
8 followers · 27 posts · Server

Une note privée de la Deutsche Bank, uniquement destinée à ses « grands comptes » (a.k.a ultra-riches) alerte ces gros clients des dangers d’effondrement du système industriel et financier.

Comment les banquiers et les grandes firmes se préparent aux catastrophes du réchauffement climatique et de l’effondrement de la biodiversité ; et comment ils envisagent de défendre leurs intérêts, voire d’en tirer parti pour conserver le pouvoir.

#Yggdrasil #milliardaires

Last updated 1 year ago

John Goerzen · @jgoerzen
1064 followers · 2920 posts · Server

@ernie This point extends perfectly well to the Free Software / community also.

I work on what I find fun and interesting. I have no illusion that , , , and such are suddenly going to become popular. But wow are they FUN to work with, and useful too. I blog for the same reason. I've written several books with major publishers, about topics I enjoy, but still, I find that writing about what I want, when I want, without a deadline is more fulfilling.

#FLOSS #NNCP #gopher #Yggdrasil

Last updated 1 year ago

Outi Leskinen · @outi
284 followers · 2952 posts · Server


thank you for the beautiful thread!

caught my eye - bc i had just a couple of nights ago wondered about it, and ashes - i'm on holiday and there are ashes unlike where i live - and even made this toot with pics of ashes, the island is tiny and wonderful Iniö.

they are big on farmyard, smaller ones (one of the trees is actually a , as it happens, sacred to Finns) one next to the church (!) and one that i could see from my window.

#ash #Yggdrasil #rowan

Last updated 1 year ago

John Goerzen · @jgoerzen
1026 followers · 2843 posts · Server

@vesto On , yes you do need to configure it properly to avoid joining the global mesh. Not too hard, but can be done. Really for all the ones I used, I'd want a local firewall too ( being the possible exception, as it has uncommonly-strong guarantees)

#Yggdrasil #nebula

Last updated 1 year ago

John Goerzen · @jgoerzen
1009 followers · 2788 posts · Server

Some of my favorite features in Debian 12 are ones I helped package, and are now easy to install everywhere:

A simple, encrypted, auto-meshing network, suitable as a VPN or as part of a global mesh: Thanks to this, my family's laptops can talk to each other from wherever they are with no hassle; coffee shop, home, work, etc.

An asynchronous, encrypted, onion-routed, delay-tolerant tool: Thanks to this, my backups and archive can be easily airgapped

#Yggdrasil #NNCP

Last updated 1 year ago

John Goerzen · @jgoerzen
976 followers · 2675 posts · Server

I wrote a deep dive about solutions, with traversal and such. Featured: , , , , , . "Easily Accessing All Your Stuff with a Zero-Trust Mesh VPN" at

Thanks to those that participated in the previous thread, and particularly @tailscale .

There are some interesting options these days and I hope to see them continue to gain traction!

#mesh #VPN #nat #Yggdrasil #tinc #tailScale #zerotier #nebula #netmaker

Last updated 2 years ago

John Goerzen · @jgoerzen
976 followers · 2665 posts · Server

There are few options where I live. Fiber is 2 years out. I may need to use an ISP that uses , which means no open ports at all. I see that and both use (or something like it) to solve this problem. Are there any pure Open Source tools that can do this? is great, but is TCP based, so can't do direct P2P with blocked ports (it can communicate, but via a public or private intermediary.) Perhaps packages?

#Internet #cgnat #tailScale #zerotier #stun #Yggdrasil #Debian #askFedi

Last updated 2 years ago

John Goerzen · @jgoerzen
953 followers · 2601 posts · Server

It's so annoying trying to connect between hosts, , bare metal , etc. I got working inside containers, so now they can all mesh and reach each other directly, regardless of where they are hosted, whether they're containers or VMs, etc. Pretty neat, and surprisingly simple!

#Yggdrasil #servers #vms #containers #Docker

Last updated 2 years ago

Sinclair-Speccy · @SinclairSpeccy
318 followers · 6274 posts · Server

🥺 my beloved. Time to try and get you to work again

#emulator #emulation #linux #retrotechnology #retro #Yggdrasil

Last updated 2 years ago

Sinclair-Speccy · @SinclairSpeccy
318 followers · 6271 posts · Server

The younger me is screaming at me to try and run on the . Hope I don't nearly kill myself 🙃

#packardbell #linux #Yggdrasil

Last updated 2 years ago

Sinclair-Speccy · @SinclairSpeccy
287 followers · 5193 posts · Server

🥲 There was a time in my life where I liked they much I was bored enough to try and run it on my main . As expected it didn’t work and just spews our errors as shown

#computing #pc #linux #Yggdrasil

Last updated 2 years ago

Sinclair-Speccy · @SinclairSpeccy
279 followers · 4866 posts · Server

:') My favourite website is the old site for Yggdrasil Computing Inc. It hurts my eyes but looks so good. Too bad the domain got brought for a stupid gambling site

#coloured #oldweb #linux #Yggdrasil

Last updated 2 years ago

Grant · @grantonthenet
43 followers · 358 posts · Server

dude i was so confused what this domain was, turns out it's just my laptop doing things


Last updated 2 years ago

John Goerzen · @jgoerzen
947 followers · 2598 posts · Server

@netopwibby So compared to VPNs and leased lines, this is a lot easier to manage. Still, in my use cases, I haven't (yet) used the /64 because I have generally put Yggdrasil directly on each machine I want to use with it. But there are all sorts of options.

Basically, lets you build your own , how you like, without all the expense and complexity. Pretty nifty. /end

#Internet #Yggdrasil

Last updated 2 years ago

John Goerzen · @jgoerzen
947 followers · 2598 posts · Server

@netopwibby With in this scenario, you could establish links from each site to each other site (if you wish). If a backhoe accident takes one of those links down, Yggdrasil will automatically figure out how to route traffic between A and B via, say, C. You can build up whatever topology you like, and you don't have to teach Yggdrasil about it - it will /discover/ it, and also discover and adapt to changes in it (such as outages). 7/


Last updated 2 years ago

John Goerzen · @jgoerzen
947 followers · 2598 posts · Server

@netopwibby So let's say you have a company with offices in five cities. You want the various networks to all see each other, seamlessly, and securely. A classic approach might involve VPNs. But then you quickly get into topology questions: who connects to whom? What happens if one site goes down - can all the others keep communicating between themselves? or can address this. 6/

#Yggdrasil #tinc

Last updated 2 years ago

John Goerzen · @jgoerzen
947 followers · 2598 posts · Server

@netopwibby Now in the "each site gets a /64" scenario, you have the one Yggdrasil gateway, so the nodes on the network don't have the classic benefits of IP portability and such. But, all your stuff from printers to cameras can just use the network nicely. You've basically replaced the current Internet backbone (or layered atop it, depending). 5/


Last updated 2 years ago

John Goerzen · @jgoerzen
947 followers · 2598 posts · Server

@netopwibby So there is no in . Yggdrasil is a tool for making internetworking happen - as indeed the Internet is (a "network of networks"). The article you're probably talking about is and talks about the more personal use cases (laptops, etc). A /64 could be used for things like virtual hosting on a single node, or internetworking in the classical sense: each site gets a /64 and Yggdrasil figures out how to connect them together securely. 4/

#Yggdrasil #bgp

Last updated 2 years ago

John Goerzen · @jgoerzen
947 followers · 2598 posts · Server

@netopwibby can run atop the current -- or not. It is a whole Internet in itself, and it happens to be able to use an existing IPv4 or IPv6 network as a carrier, if desired. You might think of it as a re-invention not of IPv6, but of the routing, allocation, and security systems that undergird it. Yggdrasil is an auto-forming mesh, with all communication encrypted, and IPs derived from encryption keys. 3/

#Internet #Yggdrasil

Last updated 2 years ago