Musica al canale 2 selezionata da
Yo La Tengo #Live Now for two hours
i crush on p much all #bass players, that is true 🤷♀️
but also, especially, the lovely #JamesMcNew
#bass #jamesmcnew #YoLaTengo #blatantthirstposting
This Stupid World by Yo La Tengo is the album of the year so far #YoLaTengo #music #album
This stupid world è un altro album sorprendente degli #YoLaTengo che sin dalla copertina ricorda And than nothing turned itself inside out.
This stupid world è anche un pezzo di sette minuti con un cuore che batte e finchè batte non smette di ripetere: "This stupid world is killing me. This stupid world is all we have".
🎶 Yo La Tengo – Aselestine
#nowplaying #mixcloudlive #YoLaTengo
If #KIϟϟ is so great, why not INTERKOURϟE?
If The #MightyMightyBosstones are good, why not The Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Bosstones?
If #MinorThreat is good why not Major Menace?
If #ChildishGambino is good why not Mature Cosa Nostra?
If #TheSpecials are good why not The Exceptionals?
If #KOAndTheKnockouts are good why not TBI & the Traumatic Brain Injury?
If #YoLaTengo is good, why not Yo Tengo Todo?
If #JonathanRichman is good, why not Jonathan PostWealthSocietyEnby?
If #RebaMcEntire is too much, try Reba McPartial
If the #PsychedelicFurs are too much try Microdose Faux
If the #Beatles are too much, try the Gruabs
#kiϟϟ #mightymightybosstones #minorthreat #childishgambino #thespecials #YoLaTengo #jonathanrichman #rebamcentire #PsychedelicFurs #beatles #koandtheknockouts
Many years ago, frantziako espazio autogestionatu-okupatu bateko dohako dendan #YoLaTengo taldearen CD hau aurkitu nuen. Ez dakit zergatik hartu nuen, suposatzen dut ezaguna egiten zitzaidalako agian. Baina asko pozten naiz. Denborarekin asko gustatu zait bai diskoa bai eta taldea. #indie #rock