There are still 4 days left to vote!
@Imperor has been making a strong case for the gloop, but Deep-C still holds the lead!
Don't count the common garden dragon or the arctic dragon out yet, though - there have been greater upsets in the history of #smaugust (I assume)!
#smaugust #dragon #poll #dragonvote #YourVoteCounts
“If we've been telling lies, you've been telling half-lies. A man who tells lies like me, merely hides the truth. But a man who tells half-lies has forgotten where he put it." - Mr Dryden from Lawerence of Arabia
This is why the MAGA crowd is able to hold the GOP hostage at standing at the Abyss. It is also why every vote counts in every single election. It is also why a Free Press matters! #ethics #vote #blacktwitter #yourvotecounts #blackmastodon #freepress
#Ethics #vote #blacktwitter #YourVoteCounts #blackmastodon #freepress
@TonyStark Yes it is always important to vote. U.S. citizens both stateside and abroad - #YourVoteCounts. Anyone reading this, ask your friends from #Georgia if they have a plan to vote in the #runoff, and if they don't, please help them make a plan. #vote #VoteReady #GA
#YourVoteCounts #Georgia #runoff #Vote #VoteReady #GA
Hey all you #GeorgiaVoters living #overseas? Think your vote doesn't count? Check out these numbers. Go here and weigh in in the #GeorgiaRunoff to decide the #GeorgiaSenate: #OverseasVoters #VoteFromAbroad #Georgia #GA #USpol #politics #civics #YourVoteCounts #YourVoteMatters #Vote #Voting #Senat #GAsenate #runoff #RunoffElection #AmericansAbroad
#americansabroad #runoffelection #runoff #GASENATE #senat #Voting #Vote #YourVoteMatters #YourVoteCounts #civics #politics #uspol #GA #Georgia #votefromabroad #overseasvoters #georgiasenate #Georgiarunoff #overseas #georgiavoters
If you hail from the great state of #Georgia, live overseas, and registered to vote, #YourVoteCounts right now! Go here and #MakeYourVoiceHeard in the #GA #Runoff: #VoteFromAbroad #vote #GAsenate #Senate #USpol #politics #civics #elections #election #puppy #dogsofmastodon #voter #votingrights
#VotingRights #voter #dogsofmastodon #puppy #Election #Elections #civics #politics #uspol #Senate #GASENATE #Vote #votefromabroad #runoff #GA #MakeYourVoiceHeard #YourVoteCounts #Georgia
HEY, Minnesota: If you're trans and voting today, remember a few things:
If your name does not match your presentation, and you get challenged, don't panic. Minnesota is not a voter ID state, and if you are a registered voter, you need to be allowed to vote.
Important to remember. If you have trouble, call 866-OUR-VOTE to speak with a non-partisan expert to help you! #YourVoteMatters #YourVoteCounts
#YourVoteCounts #YourVoteMatters
It's #midterm #election day in the U.S. If you haven't already cast your #vote, please don't miss your chance! #ElectionDay #Vote2020 #Democracy #CivicDuty #YourVoteCounts
#YourVoteCounts #civicduty #democracy #vote2020 #electionday #vote #election #midterm
I realize that voter suppression is a thing and that many have more obstacles to voting than they should, but one side turns out for every election, not just presidential ones, they don't care whether it's for toll booth attendant or president- they fucking vote.
And yes, we need to do more than vote and voting won't fix everything (before anyone tells me) but not voting doesn't fix anything, either.
Don't skip elections thinking someone else will show up. Show up for them all. #YourVoteCounts
Opinion | My wife and I nearly didn’t vote. Then our guy won — by two votes:
For as long as I’m able, I’ll never think again about passing up the chance to decide another election.
Organizing and mobilizing is difficult at the best of times and in moments like this, where your health and safety or the safety and privacy of people you care about are at risk, it can feel downright impossible. As always, please prioritize your mental and physical health and what is right for you at this moment.
Now, on days where you need motivation, remember this story. Sanity can be restored. Robert Regan, Carol Glanville's opponent, was the Michigan GOPer who said he’d tell his daughters "if rape is inevitable, you should just lie back and enjoy it, " lost in HD-74 (that Trump carried by 16 POINTS) to a Democrat. Yes, an odious candidate, but there are plenty of them that win.
#YourVoteCounts #YourWorkCounts
#YourVoteCounts #YourWorkCounts