Excellent post by #Breeks on #YoursForScotland https://yoursforscotlandcom.wordpress.com/2023/02/06/breeks-on-the-franchise/
#Breeks on #YoursForScotland by @ILawson27
“King Charles III swearing fealty to the Claim of Right matters, because every now and again, there’s a gap exposed in the myriad layers of Unionist horseshit…” https://yoursforscotlandcom.wordpress.com/2023/01/30/scotlands-sovereign-constitution-survives/
“Sturgeon’s craven and idiotic capitulations to Westminster’s “sovereign” ascendancy have greatly imperilled this threadbare principle of Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty. If we don’t fight for it, now, and not only fight but actually win that fight, then I fear Scotland will be lost permanently and forever…” by #Breeks on #YoursForScotland
Fae #Breeks on #YoursForScotland
“the Holyrood Assembly and it’s notorious Scotland Act, a UK “Supreme Court”, and most notably Sturgeon’s craven and idiotic capitulations to Westminster’s “sovereign” ascendancy have greatly imperilled this threadbare principle of Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty…”
Pilar Fernandez interviews Iain Lawson of #YoursForScotland about SALVO.scot and independence by @indyscotnews on #SoundCloud 🎙️
Pilar Fernandez interviews Iain Lawson of #YoursForScotland about SALVO.scot and independence by @indyscotnews on #SoundCloud 🎙️
A wee blog, published by #YoursForScotland
‘From Louisiana to Drumossie Moor’
Bright and breezy north coast. Listening to today’s #NewMedia Scottish blogs in text-to-speech. #CraigMurray #BarrheadBoy #YoursForScotland #WingsOverScotland #CaltonJock #AllyFarquhar #Jeggit
#YoursForScotland #WingsOverScotland #newmedia #craigmurray #BarrheadBoy #CaltonJock #AllyFarquhar #Jeggit
Yours truly interviewing Iain Lawson of the #YoursForScotland blog https://soundcloud.com/indyscotnews/indyscotnews-podcastiain-lawson?ref=clipboard