The effective management of emotion in ourselves and in other people is the bedrock of being effective personally and professionally, and for managing our wellbeing
#emotionalmanagement #management #effective #effectives #wellbeing #bedrock #foundation #mentaltoughness #youvegotthis #personaldevelopment #professionaldevelopment #emotions #EmotionalIntelligence
#emotionalmanagement #management #effective #effectives #wellbeing #Bedrock #foundation #mentaltoughness #YouveGotThis #personaldevelopment #professionaldevelopment #emotions #emotionalintelligence
Do you think PERFORMANCE & WELLBEING can co-exist?
Or do you feel you need to sacrifice one in order to achieve the other?
#performance #wellbeing #sacrifices #mentaltoughness #youshouldnthavetochoose #youvegotthis #coexist #whatdoyouthink
#performance #wellbeing #sacrifices #mentaltoughness #youshouldnthavetochoose #YouveGotThis #coexist #WhatDoYouThink
Discussing Mental Health and Wellbeing in organisations @GIC .
Immensly humbled and grateful to engage in such a challenging subject with an amazing, open, forward-thinking group of people.
#OnceInALifetime #mentaltoughness #mentalhealth #wellbeing #organizationalwellbeing #youvegotthis #forwardthinking #vulnerabilityispower #honestconversations #gratitude
#onceinalifetime #mentaltoughness #mentalhealth #wellbeing #organizationalwellbeing #YouveGotThis #forwardthinking #vulnerabilityispower #honestconversations #gratitude
A quote by - Carl Rogers; psychologist - 1902-1987
#kindness #listening #activelistening #mentalhealth #rare #understanding #empathy #whatyouneed #change #realchange #besupportive #learntolisten #mentaltoughness #youvegotthis
#kindness #listening #activelistening #mentalhealth #rare #understanding #empathy #whatyouneed #change #realchange #besupportive #learntolisten #mentaltoughness #YouveGotThis
How many of these skills do you feel you currently master?
#mentaltoughness #wellbeing #educators #skills #SkillsForTheFuture #youvegotthis #education #teachers #professional #trainers #coaches #criticalthinking #socialskills #adaptability #flexiblethinking #formingconnections #team #teamwork #teamworkskills #collaboration #collaborationskills #conflictresolution #conflictresolutionskills #matery #learning #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment
#mentaltoughness #wellbeing #educators #skills #skillsforthefuture #YouveGotThis #education #teachers #professional #trainers #coaches #criticalthinking #socialskills #adaptability #flexiblethinking #formingconnections #team #teamwork #teamworkskills #collaboration #collaborationskills #conflictresolution #conflictresolutionskills #matery #learning #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment
The subtle but impactful correlation between wellbeing and executive functioning skills usually flies under the radar, but if we start investing in these skills we will certainly experience suprising positive results.
An article written by Dr. Gilda Scarfe for GESS Dubai
Read the full article -->>
#wellbeing #mentaltoughness #executivefunctioning #skills #link #positiveresults #education #howto #invest #gessdubai #youvegotthis #teachers #educators #teaching
#wellbeing #mentaltoughness #executivefunctioning #skills #LINK #positiveresults #education #howto #invest #gessdubai #YouveGotThis #teachers #educators #teaching
What are 3 specific areas in your life that you feel passionate about?
#area #passionate #mentaltoughness #youvegotthis #feelings #focusing #focusonpassion #reasons #gratitude #worthit #whereyouputyourenergy #meaning #purpose #whatmatters #whatmatterstoyou
#area #passionate #mentaltoughness #YouveGotThis #feelings #focusing #focusonpassion #reasons #gratitude #worthit #whereyouputyourenergy #meaning #purpose #whatmatters #whatmatterstoyou
How many of these apply to you?
If you have good mental wellbeing, you are able to:
- Recognise the good in yourself, such as your positive attributes and achievements you have made.
- Feel and express a range of emotions.
- Feel engaged with the world around you.
- Live and work productively.
- Cope with the stresses of daily life and manage times of change and uncertainty.
#mentalhealth #wellbeing #mentaltoughness #youvegotthis #recognise #thegoodinyou #positiveattitude #achievement
#mentalhealth #wellbeing #mentaltoughness #YouveGotThis #recognise #thegoodinyou #positiveattitude #achievement
"Your mental toughness is equally made of persistence, commitment, and motivation and remember, the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Dr. Gilda Scarfe
#mentaltoughness #persistance #commitment #motivation #remember #opponent #yourself #yourmind #atoddswithmyself #youvegotthis #awareness #flourishing #humanflourishing #psychology #positivepsychology #wellbeing
#mentaltoughness #persistance #commitment #motivation #remember #opponent #yourself #yourmind #atoddswithmyself #YouveGotThis #awareness #flourishing #humanflourishing #psychology #positivepsychology #wellbeing
Can you identify a moment when negative bias has influenced your outlook on things?
Negativity bias is the name for a psychological phenomenon by which humans pay more attention to and give more weight to negative experiences than positive experiences.
#negative #negativebias #moment #awareness #perception #psychology #mentaltoughness #negativeexperience #positiveexperience #youvegotthis #payattention #justbeinghuman #partofbeinghuman #completelynormal
#negative #negativebias #moment #awareness #Perception #psychology #mentaltoughness #negativeexperience #positiveexperience #YouveGotThis #payattention #justbeinghuman #partofbeinghuman #completelynormal
It’s a new week.
#BringIt #strengthofasuperhero #YouveGotThis
This morning was the #LastClass for #BIOL1070
Thanks and congratulations to everyone in the class - you did fabulous in a difficult time - #YouveGotThis!
A very special thank you to - I appreciate the chance to be doing this with you so much!
#lastclass #biol1070 #YouveGotThis
There’s never a better time than this present moment to start something new or dive into that project you’ve been avoiding … this visual depicts that so well.
A powerful way to get yourself started is ask yourself “what things can I do and / or start today, that my future self will thank me for?”
You’ve totally got this!!
#tuesdaytip #YouveGotThis #coaching #visualisation #powerfulquestions #motivation #motivational
#tuesdaytip #YouveGotThis #coaching #visualisation #powerfulquestions #motivation #motivational
Good morning from the east coast of the US. I decided after my morning meditation that I WILL actually join #nanowrimo this year and not just use it as a finishing projects-prompt. I finished the last pass on revisions for novel #2 yesterday which makes me feel more clear for this. So, I will jump into a weekly word count goal of 10K (not same amount every day due to work schedule) and finish the first draft of novel #3, ecofiction about architects, engineers & high speed rail transport (with a little erotica thrown in for good measure). ;-) … now off to figure out how to join Nano, officially. #writing #amwriting #writersroom #inthewritersroom #nanowrimo #creativewriting #fiction #fictionwriter #ecofiction #fracking #marijuana #rail #meditation #inspiration #architectsofmastodon #writersofmastodon #artistsofmastodon #workfromhome #workinprogress #architect #engineer #YouveGotThis
#nanowrimo #writing #amwriting #writersroom #inthewritersroom #creativewriting #fiction #fictionwriter #ecofiction #fracking #marijuana #rail #meditation #inspiration #architectsofmastodon #writersofmastodon #artistsofmastodon #workfromhome #workinprogress #architect #engineer #YouveGotThis