— In January 1943 Fascist Italy's occupation army in stormed several villages in Croatia's Gospic district.

The divisions “Lombardia" & "Re" set houses, barns, and warehouses on fire; a large part of the residents was killed or transported.

#8gennaio #Yugoslavia #FascistCrimes

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Sander · @gurubert
171 followers · 4855 posts · Server mastodon.gurubert.de

RT @mfeilner@twitter.com

You are a (small?) fighting ? You are helping nature survive in the current event? You are on the balkan, in former , or ? PM me, let me know, answer here - I am around, I have time and I would like to help.
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🐦🔗: twitter.com/mfeilner/status/15

#greece #albania #Yugoslavia #extinction #climatecollaps #ngo

Last updated 2 years ago

· @metztli
0 followers · 2019 posts · Server tenochtitlan.city

is second act of ’s 1999 attack on – Kusturica — RT World News

"The current conflict over Ukraine is basically the sequel to the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, the celebrated Serbian filmmaker Emir Kusturica told RT on Tuesday, pointing out the continuity of Russophobia and the West’s disdain for international law."

#Ukraine #NATO #Yugoslavia #Russophobia

Last updated 3 years ago

perUnaltracittà · @perunaltracitta
77 followers · 543 posts · Server mastodon.uno

La propaganda fascista censura la verità storica
Ci riprendiamo la parola sulla polemica che i fascisti della Lega stanno montando rispetto alla presenza di una bandiera della Repubblica Socialista Federale di Jugoslavia esposta al CPA fi-sud.
Intanto ci sembra chiaro e lampante che "il Giorno del Ricordo" sia una gio

#Yugoslavia #soria #occultamento #negazionismo #cpa #LaCittàinvisibile

Last updated 4 years ago

· @metztli
0 followers · 2019 posts · Server tenochtitlan.city

'States that do not have reliable aerospace defense run the risk of ceasing to exist. This is evidenced by the analysis of - and their European North Atlantic Terrorist Organization () ganging up on and . On the other hand , naturally, was on the verge of this, if not for military assistance from ,~ paraphrasing Russian Minister of Defense Army General Sergei

#USAnglo #Zionists #NATO #whores #Yugoslavia #Libya #Syria #Russia #Shoigu

Last updated 5 years ago