Thanks to a generous funding from the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, our #Remoboko research group is organising its final #conference entitled "#University Campuses in #Africa and Beyond: Training Grounds, Moral Spaces and Political Arenas" at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (#ZMO) in #Berlin next week.
This conference seeks to examine how university campuses in Africa and beyond:
1) offer training for various skills and know-how which translate into key assets for the social becoming of students beyond the #campus;
2) become a site of moral activism where competing claims of social good and citizenry lead to projects of self-transformation (individual, collective) and/or even conflicts of norms;
3) feed on various forms of engagements (intellectual, religious, political) while developing their own politics (regional, religious, ethnic, ideological, etc.).
The event will feature 22 papers across 8 panels, a book launch, a photo exhibition and the screening of an ethnographic film.
#remoboko #conference #university #africa #ZMO #berlin #campus
My colleague Vincent Favier at #ZMO and Koudbi Kaboré (Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, #BurkinaFaso) are convening the panel "Training for good life or a good society? Religious students’ individual and collective aspirations in public universities in sub-Saharan Africa" at the 2023 European Conference in African Studies, in Cologne.
The call for papers is open until 9 January:
#university #religion #africa #cfp #ECAS2023 #BurkinaFaso #ZMO
I'm a #histodon from #Canada and a Research Fellow at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (#ZMO) in #Berlin.
My research has focused on Islamic activism among youth and women, and Muslim politics in #CotedIvoire, #BurkinaFaso, #Benin, and #Togo.
I'm currently working on a book manuscript on the history of religious activism on campuses in Togo and Benin.
I'm also interested in#DigitalHumanities and #DigitalHistory. Using #Omeka, I created an open-access digital #database now containing more than 2900 documents and 250 bibliographical references related to #Islam in Burkina Faso.
#islam #database #Omeka #digitalhistory #Togo #Benin #BurkinaFaso #CotedIvoire #berlin #ZMO #canada #histodon #introduction