#ZSF #spaceship
Recon mission in low orbit over Zeppelon IV. For reasons. Mainly the development of a better anti-hydrogen bomb by Sizemore Industries.
Name 'a Gillroy Buth. Reckon y'all wanna hitch a ride. Goin' Jovian Nova XIX way, roundabout Jitterus Titan way station. Pork daddies ain't ridin' hard out that way lately, if'n you gotta lay low. Five hunnerd a head.
#ZSF #Smuggler #SpaceTrucker
Bug didn't say much. Its eyes recording every moment, its CPU analyzing data. Why speak when there is nothing to say?
Still, Bug has feelings. Opinions. Bug enjoys the purple and gold vistas of space humours and the wide open black horizon. And the slight, gentle recoil of a Goyar Sub-Atomic Blaster 5000 series.
#scifi #ZSF #robot #MastoArt
#ZSF work continues. I was playing around with layout ideas here. But the game isn't actually fully written yet, at all. I just tend to visualize what I want and I need to SEE IT so I can create it. I tend to lead with a visual, then the writing bits follow from that.
#gamedesign #ttrpg
The Galactic Police Force are always around to handle threats to your hegemonic corporate interests.
#ZSF #cops #scifi #scifantasy #ttrpg
ZSF stats make sense to me. These are all the things I expect a space adventurer to be able to do, to some degree.
-Explore (perception, instinct, toughness, etc.)
-Drive (ships, cars, bikes, etc.)
-Fight (punch, kick, tackle, bash, etc.)
-Operate (machines, robots, computers, etc.)
-Shoot (load, aim, fire, reload, and duck)
-Talk (charisma, persuasion, negotiation, etc.)
Zaggdro-66- born Ray Dzanj, humble factory worker. Died in freak explosion. Fine folks at Ipsi Cola Company purchased Ray from ailing mother and brought back to life as a cyborg. Not exactly what they hoped for... a little too much machine and not enough man.
His contract with Ipsi left him with $200, most of which he spent on gear so he could travel into the frontier and see what the hell is actually out there.
Zoa Space Fantasy RPG. An idea in the works.
#ZSF #Space #TTRPG
Another #ZSF sketchbook page with character sheet. Better hope I don't alter the ZSF system too much or all these cool sheets will be meaningless. Yes... I'm locking myself into the basic chassis of the system because I can (and will) change it 500 times otherwise.
And let's be honest: It doesn't matter very much whether you use d6 or d10 or whatever. It's all vibes.
Allez j'ai un peu de temps et d'inspiration pour rédiger mon #introduction. Je délaisse pas mal les RS depuis un certain temps, c'est mieux pour mon moral. Mais quand je pouet ou repouet (ou autre) ça cause essentiellement #féminisme, #lgbtq, #espritcritique, #lecture ou encore #politique. Je co-administre le groupe Fb #ZSF. Je me suis mise à lire des #mangas cette année. Ah oui et à 43 ans, je m'essaie au tout premier #jeuxvideos de ma vie avec #Zelda. Il devrait me faire de longues années !
#introduction #feminisme #lgbtq #espritcritique #lecture #Politique #ZSF #mangas #jeuxvideos #zelda