Chuffed with my Bluetooth equipped #ZXSpectum Harlequin 128 clone. Added a cheap Bluetooth receiver, and can now load tapes wirelessly from my tablet or phone :)
#ZXSpectum #sinclair #retrocomputing #retro #Spectrum
@jeremyburge nah, you overshot by 10-15 years. #ZXSpectum #Ultimate #LoadingScreenGlory
#ZXSpectum #ultimate #loadingscreenglory
#homebrew done, now time to tackle this little #ZXSpectum issue 2 board. Not sure why it doesn't have the spider mod on the CPU. Hmmm....
The ZX Spectrum Finally Gets A Proper Keyboard | Hackaday
The latest issue of Crash has arrived. Awesome cover art. Great to see there is still so much interest in the #ZXSpectum 40 years after launch.
Sneak-peak exclusive for Mastodon users - here's tomorrow's Twitter post for #ZXPlatformer
Name: Cheekah's Exploits
Publisher: Your Computer
Year: 1986
#ZXPlatformer #ZXSpectum #retrogaming