RT @sahba_mobini: And I just found out #ElnazRekabi is from my city, #Zanjan … my mom told me the whole city is shocked by her courage! A group of people are going to go to the airport to welcome her and protect her from a possible assault … 💪🏽💪🏽 #Woman_Life_Freedom
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/HNeumannMEP/status/1582059050539180040
#ElnazRekabi #Zanjan #Woman_Life_Freedom
Iran photogallery click https://www.flickr.com/photos/marcodileo/sets/72157646312362587/ - photos are taken : #Iran #Tehran #Tabriz #Ardabil #Qazvin #Zanjan #TakhtESoleyman #Alamut #Rasht #Soltaniyeh #Jolfa #Kaleybar #Masuleh #Rostamabad #Ahar #Manjil #Kandovan #Nordooz #Fuman #Maku #Miandoab #Sareyn #Marganlar
#iran #tehran #tabriz #Ardabil #Qazvin #Zanjan #TakhtESoleyman #Alamut #Rasht #Soltaniyeh #Jolfa #Kaleybar #Masuleh #Rostamabad #Ahar #Manjil #Kandovan #Nordooz #Fuman #Maku #Miandoab #Sareyn #Marganlar