@tinch #Zava was supposed to make #Richmond the best but clearly was not a fit; he briefly elevated the team’s level of play but at the expense of weakening the bonds between them. A false God, a #FlashInThePan, not the way to the higher ground, individually or collectively.
Or maybe it was just pointless. #TedLasso
#tedlasso #flashinthepan #richmond #Zava
Mit der dritten Episode der dritten Staffel wird #TedLasso zum Fußball-Anime 😂 #Zava https://ruhr.social/@Solid_Snail/110108780941903189
#Zava-Kooperation mit Shop-#Apotheke bleibt verboten https://www.aerzteblatt.de/nachrichten/141117/Zava-Kooperation-mit-Shop-Apotheke-bleibt-verboten #telemedizin