Tourists have been visiting a ‘lost continent’ without even knowing | indy100
#greateradria #lostcontinent #Zealandia #teriuamaui #geology #zealandiais #gondwana #zealandcrownresearchinstitutegnsscience
A couple of Kakas in Trelissick Park in Ngaio gorge #wellington kinda getting it on - upside down! #zealandia
Excellent time at Zealandia over the weekend
#wellington #nature #Zealandia
Stopping to smell the roses requires a rose bush.
Appreciating the nature around you (even if touched by humans) is easier and just as uplifting.
Tuatara @ Zealandia
#photography #zealandia #wildlife #reptiles
#photography #Zealandia #wildlife #reptiles
Oh the characters you meet,
When you forsake town and street,
On a day not the brightest,
Though I care not the slightest,
When all around me I hear the wings beat.
#Kaka #Zealandia #aotearoa #natural
On a day in #Zealandia when it wasn't raining cats and dogs this #Piwakawaka came to say hi.
#Zealandia is in need of containers for their annual mouse control operation. One very specific container, in fact.
If you buy #EcoStore Laundry Powder in 4.5kg containers, hold onto the container and the lid, and at your convenience, drop it off to Zealandia here in Welly.
The following is a photo of the container they need.
RT @melissaboardman
I had one of my best ever bird encounters today at @ZEALANDIA, I saw my first ever baby ruru / morepork! Check out those funky moves 🦉
#nzbirds #newzealandbirds #nzruru #Zealandia #wellingtonnz
Just a photo of my hubby and me at #Zealandia this last Saturday. I’m super happy because I’ve lost nearly 20kg!!
This is a #koru (spiral) of a #Mamaku / #BlackTreeFern. It will eventually unfurl to create a branch, upon which more koru will form, then unfurl to make the leaves. It’s an amazing process! #Zealandia #
#koru #mamaku #blacktreefern #Zealandia
Further black and white shenanigans. Fuschia are also super cool bc they have incredible textures and look weird as fuck. I love themmmm
#fuschia #blackandwhitepics #NativeTrees #Zealandia #lichen #Mosstodon #climbingplants #weird
#fuschia #blackandwhitepics #NativeTrees #Zealandia #lichen #Mosstodon #climbingplants #weird
Sometimes I dick about with black and white filters and make pretty pictures.
Twimsty boys of #Zealandia. These are all māhoe being all gnarly and weird and I love them so much. They make such cool shapes 🥰
#Zealandia #blackandwhitepics #spoopy #mahoe #NativeTrees
Birbs of #Zealandia. Unfortunately my day was cut short by my stupid janky old.person hips throwing a tantrum, but @RarghWoolf and I had a nice morning
#DidYouKnow: #Zealandia is an almost entirely submerged mass of continental crust. It is sometimes referred as the "#EighthContinent of the world".
Satellite data can be used to visualise the continent of Zealandia, which appears as a pale blue upside-down triangle to the east of Australia.
#eighthcontinent #Zealandia #didyouknow