@Dr_Bombay Much joy! I just stumbled across ‘The further Chronicles of Amber’ aka ‘The Merlin Cycle’ which (revealing my Vintage) were not yet published last time I read these. Oh, the anticipation!
#books #fantasy #zelazny
I started re-reading the ‘Chronicles of Amber’ by Roger Zelazny a while back, prompted by a post by @Dr_Bombay (many thanks for the prompt, Dr B, I struggled to find it again).
After at least 35 years, I had forgotten how good they are. A completely unique #fantasy novel series. Very fast-paced, and yet poetic at times, steering a writing style somewhere between Raymond Chandler and Lord Byron. I’d highly commend giving them a look https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chronicles_of_Amber
#zelazny #fantasy #books #reading
#reading #books #Zelazny #fantasy
I try to fight my internal hype machine when I hear about my favorite books being adapted to the screen. But: this seems like incredibly good news.
#fantasy #swordandsorcery #tv #Zelazny #amber
Tuttavia, anche dopo gli ultimi libri letti della stessa collana, consiglio a Urania di scegliere meglio i titoli per queste iniziative.
Devono avvicinare i lettori a questo bellissimo mondo, non deluderli e allontanarli.
#Urania #scifi #Zelazny #LibroSegreto
#urania #scifi #Zelazny #librosegreto
Bon, ça fait longtemps que je n'ai pas fait un #VendrediLecture ! Pour cause : je me suis relu l'intégrale des deux cycles des Princes d'Ambre, de #Zelazny, en VO, nouvelles comprises. Et entretemps, Mechwarrior 5 est sorti, et je suis tombé dans le terrier du lapin blanc. Il a fallu la sortie de la série #TheWitcher pour m'arracher à l'ordi, et comme je suis faible, j'ai repris la lecture des romans de #Sapkowski, que j'avais abandonné au tome 3. Bon, c'est efficace, il faut le reconnaître !
#Sapkowski #thewitcher #Zelazny #vendredilecture