…I’d only met Molly a handful of times at conferences, but she was the infectiously inspiring Fairy Godmother of the Web that we all needed. A truly wonderful human.
She wrote books about web design and HTML since 1996!
But her book with Dave Shea changed my career forever in 2005.
She changed the web for the better.
#MollyHolzschlag #webDesign #CSSZenGarden #ZenGarden
#mollyholzschlag #webdesign #csszengarden #ZenGarden
RT @WebDesignMuseum
Happy 20th Birthday CSS Zen Garden!
In May 2003 the Canadian web designer Dave Shea launched a community gallery of websites called CSS Zen Garden.
RT @WebDesignMuseum
Happy 20th Birthday CSS Zen Garden!
In May 2003 the Canadian web designer Dave Shea launched a community gallery of websites called CSS Zen Garden.
I missed the #Introduction routine. I'm a New Amsterdam descendant still in NYC area. Ex lawyer, history teacher. Currently into walking, woodworking, Toyo Shinoda, Yankees, bread making.
All subjective to change, on a whim.
#introduction #collage #woodworking #Suprematism #Japan #wabisabi #climatechange #liberal #ZenGarden #makers #simpleliving