RT @etuc_ces: European Commissioner @NicolasSchmitEU reaffirms the Commission’s commitment to work closely with Member States and Social Partners to achieve the #ZeroDeathAtWork vision
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/NicolasSchmitEU/status/1643620359009189896
RT @industriAll_EU: 📢 The leadership of industriAll Europe @m_vassiliadis, @luc_triangle, @Jude_KD & @IsabelleBarthes have signed the #ZeroDeathAtWork Manifesto. Together with @etuc_ces calling on #EU, national governments and employers to step up efforts to ensure that work doesn't kill ‼️
RT @FinUnions: 🙌Europarlamentaarikot @miapetrakumpula, @silviamodig, @spietikainen ja @EeroHeinaluoma uskovat, että nollakuolemaa työssä on saavutettavissa vuoden 2030 mennessä. Kiitos, että olette mukana
@etuc_ces'in kampanjassa #ZeroDeathAtWork!⤵️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/miapetrakumpula/status/1547494202149421056
@TheProgressives @etuc_ces @EFBWW_ @NicolasSchmitEU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MarianneVind/status/1524021914645192704
RT @oliverroepke: #ZeroDeathAtWork:
We are calling for the EU, Member States and employers to commit to actions to achieve zero deaths at work by 2030.
I have joined the
@etuc manifesto on behalf of the @WorkersEESC
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1521376235028463619
RT @oliverroepke: #ZeroDeathAtWork:
We are calling for the EU, Member States and employers to commit to actions to achieve zero deaths at work by 2030.
I have joined the
@etuc manifesto on behalf of the @WorkersEESC
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/NicolasSchmitEU/status/1521232055337721857
En Europe aussi les accidents mortels au travail sont encore légion. L'@etuc_ces nous le rappelle au travers de sa campagne 0 mort au travail pour que les Etats membres et les entreprises prennent les mesures nécessaires sans plus attendre.
RT @etuc_ces: L'année durant laquelle les accidents mortels liés au travail auront disparu si la tendance 2010-2019 se maintient :
🇵🇱 2027
🇵🇹 2030
🇷🇴 2036
🇦🇹 2037
🇮🇹 2042
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/saskiabricmont/status/1519780151579586563
Aujourd'hui, à l'occasion de la Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleurs #IWMD22, le manifeste pour stopper les décès liés au travail est lancé par @etuc_ces. Je suis l'un des signataires. Car nous devons vraiment garantir #ZeroDeathAtWork. https://www.csee-etuce.org/images/Statements/Zerodeathatwork_manifesto_word_FR.pdf
💔💔💔 #ZeroDeathAtWork 💔💔💔
RT @etuc_ces: Number of workplace deaths expected this decade without action to make workplaces safer
🇵🇹 481
🇵🇱 563
🇦🇹 694
🇨🇿 851
🇷🇴 1,451
🇩🇪 3,143
🇪🇸 3,191
🇮🇹 3,434
🇫🇷 7,803
🇪🇺 27,041
But we could achieve zero deaths at work by 2030 if politicians are willing to act #IWMD22
Today, on the International Workers' Memorial Day #IWMD22, the @etuc_ces manifesto on stopping work-related deaths is launched.
I am one of the signatories - because we truly need to ensue #ZeroDeathAtWork.
We can do more - and we need to more! #eudk
RT @etuc_ces: #ZeroDeathAtWork
ETUC launches manifesto signed by Ministers, MEPs, trade union leaders, occupational health and safety organisations and experts
Manifesto calls f…
#IWMD22 #ZeroDeathAtWork #eudk
Vi er nødt til at stoppe arbejdsrelaterede dødsfald - og der ER masser vi kan gøre.
Det udtaler jeg mig om i @A4Arbejdsmiljo - der skriver om det nye #ZeroDeathAtWork manifest, som jeg er en af medunderskriverne på. Tjek👇🏻 #eudk #arbejde #dkpol #IWMD2022
#ZeroDeathAtWork #eudk #arbejde #dkpol #IWMD2022
RT @etuc_ces: We call on the European Union 🇪🇺, its member state governments, and employers to genuinely commit, and take the actions needed, to achieve
#IWMD22 @NicolasSchmitEU @EU_Social
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/a_jongerius/status/1519609115886166016
RT @nvillumsen: Today, on the International Workers' Memorial Day #IWMD22, the @etuc_ces manifesto on stopping work-related deaths is launched.
I am one of the signatories - because we truly need to ensue #ZeroDeathAtWork.
We can do more - and we need to more! #eudk
#IWMD22 #ZeroDeathAtWork #eudk
RT @etuc_ces: #ZeroDeathAtWork
ETUC launches manifesto signed by Ministers, MEPs, trade union leaders, occupational health and safety organisations and experts
Manifesto calls for serious action by EU & MS to actually achieve an end to deaths at work!!
RT @etuc_ces: We call on the European Union 🇪🇺, its member state governments, and employers to genuinely commit, and take the actions needed, to achieve
#IWMD22 @NicolasSchmitEU @EU_Social
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1519603587374006272
On #IWMD22 we support the campaign to stop deaths at work!
RT @etuc_ces: #ZeroDeathAtWork
ETUC launches manifesto signed by Ministers, MEPs, trade union leaders, occupational health and safety organisations and experts
Manifesto calls for serious action by EU & MS to actually achieve an end to deaths at work!!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1519601296298422273
#ZeroDeathAtWork #IWMD22 #IWMD2022
RT @etuc_ces: #ZeroDeathAtWork
Nous lançons un manifeste signé par des ministres, députés européens, dirigeants syndicaux, organisations de santé et de sécurité au travail et des experts
Nous appellons à une action sérieuse pour parvenir à mettre fin aux décès au travail !
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1519600961026674688