It's not the first time, nor even the second, I start with kaki and change the colour after seeing the mini at tabletop distance. It happened twice during my #ZhuhZhuhProject:
#ZhuhZhuhProject #miniaturepainting
Reprise au format blog, en langue française, de mes tweets/pouets du projet Zhuh-Zhuh.
**Conversion de figurines: d'orks à gorilles de l'espace / Miniature conversion: from orks to space gorillas**
It ain't over 'till it's over.
I woke up 1h30 hour before the usual time this morning. No reason. I was awake. So after coffee, I took some time to give a coat of mate varnish to all 6 minis.
They are playable as they are. But since there is quite a lot of bitz still on sprue, I will probably add some details to some or each of them.
The ape with two guns will get a backpack for sure. And the one with the big knives will get... more knives. The others? Pouches.
Let's declare Number 6 done for #MiniatureMonday.
I now have a Zhuh-Zhuh, 6 apes squad to play #5150StarMarine
#ZhuhZhuhProject #miniaturemonday #5150StarMarine
#ZhuhZhuhProject Number 6 WIP
"Almost done" is still "not done".
#paintingminis #ZhuhZhuhProject
Number 6 WIP
I rushed to get it painted just enough to keep me motivated, as the whole project is really close to reach the "Cold meal" status because of other, interesting stuff competing...
Back to the workbench.
Number 6 WIP.
Conversion from ork to simian using gesso.
Number 6 is on his way.
He's still an #ork boï at this point.
But not for long I hope.
Just another one and the squad will be complete.
#miniaturemonday #ZhuhZhuhProject #minis
Number 5 is done.
#miniaturemonday #ZhuhZhuhProject #minis
#ZhuhZhuhProject WIP
Almost done, really.
Only a few left over details and the base.
Not even difficult. But boring.
I will have to force myself to finish it... 😞
#paintingminis #ZhuhZhuhProject
#ZhuhZhuhProject WIP
A good example than the **lining** technique isn't just great to enhance details, sometimes it is actually needed. Like here between the visor and the helmet. It is currently perfectly clean. But it needs to be more legible.
#miniaturepainting #ZhuhZhuhProject
#ZhuhZhuhProject WIP
Ahhhh... the pleasure of using a brand new brush! (Da Vinci Miniature Maestro n° 2, series 76. A Christmas gift from my wife 😊)
#paintingminis #ZhuhZhuhProject
#ZhuhZhuhProject WIP
After finally drilling the muzzle of the big shoota, I gave Number 5 its undercoat of mate varnish.
While it is drying, I cut Number 6 of the sprue.
Next step: the painting of Number 5.
#ZhuhZhuhProject WIP
#ConvertingMinis: I had to trim its visor/eye thingy a little, to make room for its new nose. Then it was sculpting and adding fur texture with gesso, as usual.
#ZhuhZhuhProject #convertingminis
#ZhuhZhuhProject WIP
I can't say that I was looking forward to glue all this #GamesWorkshop #Ork's parts...
To my surprise it went rather well.
So a 5th one is about to join the party... once converted to simian.
#ZhuhZhuhProject #gamesworkshop #ork #minis
I'm satisfied with how the mini looks from the back. I'm might just add that extra knife that's still on sprue, for fun.
Another one for the #ZhuhZhuhProject squad.
#MiniaturePainting: sometimes, finishing a mini takes way more time than actually needed. Sometimes, it's the opposite. I just rush it to get it done, as with this one. It wasn't fun anymore... It happens.
It looks cool anyway, I think.
#ZhuhZhuhProject #miniaturepainting