"3 days to go for JE VEUX NAGER, we are at 95%! Here are 3️⃣ of our ambitions we want to realize with your support! #FLOW must remain open as a testbed for the future of #outdoor #swimming in #Brussels:
1️⃣ We want organize even more swimming courses for children and adults after the many requests we received this year. Knowing how to swim is the first step to water safety for a lifetime! (Picture: swimming course at FLOW this summer)
2️⃣ A #sauna will continue the FLOW season throughout the colder season, with the pool to cool down after socializing in the heat of the sauna. (Picture: kids from the neighborhood enjoy Koti Sauna that visited FLOW during the Flow Up festival with #Zinnema)
3️⃣ The natural water treatment with plant filters will be a first in Brussels and allows us to skip chemicals, to save energy and to keep FLOW open all around the year. (Picture: the natural filter of the #Boekenberg swimming pond in Antwerp, the first public natural pool in Belgium)
▶︎ Build with us on the future of Brussels for all Brusseleirs, support JE VEUX NAGER via http://www.growfunding.be/pooliscool tell it to your friends and families!"
#jeveuxnager #pooliscool #baignade #zwemmen #brussels #brussel #bruxelles
#bruxelles #brussel #zwemmen #baignade #pooliscool #jeveuxnager #Boekenberg #Zinnema #sauna #brussels #swimming #outdoor #flow