@christineburns With the #ZOEApp, can scan shop products. Score is 0 for worst, 100 for best (peas, courgettes in my case - scores are individual but even my home-made sweet potato choc brownies - courtesy of #DanLepard score 53, thanks to 100g nuts to 200g dark choc). Was shocked to discover that breakfast cereals promoted as “whole grain” have score of zero. Even muesli only about 30 whereas my half-baked granola (#HughF-W) scores 49 about the same as #Lidl and #Aldi salmon wellingtons I buy.
#ZoeApp #danlepard #hughf #lidl #aldi
As far as I can tell, only Aberdeen city and Aberdeenshire have a higher case rate.
#Covid19Ceredigion #ZoeApp