If you don't know what I'm talking about:
#ZoeysExtraordinaryPlaylist #S2E5 and #S2E6.
#SeizeTheMeansOfProduction because the workers will NEVER be considered individual personalities, regardless of skin tone; #BlackLivesMatter only when you see #BlackPeople as Black people.
If you don't see how #BlackLives fit in your life, maybe, re-evaluate how your life fits with #BlackLives.
#justsayin #BlackLives #blackpeople #blacklivesmatter #SeizeTheMeansOfProduction #corporationsaresociopathic #corporationsareinhuman #s2e6 #s2e5 #ZoeysExtraordinaryPlaylist
Ok. I'm coming out
I'm an old, white, Cis, male and everything important to me is expressed in #ZoeysExtraordinaryPlaylist
If I could sing, I would.
If I could dance, I would
But I can't.
But I can love all those who can and express the joy, love, friendship, unity, compassion, and caring of every personal relationship we have.
Seriously. I could've used such a model 50 years ago. It didn't exist.
I pray it's not too late.
I never gave a poopie about #MileyCyrus' #WreckingBall until episode 4 of #ZoeysExtraordinaryPlaylist.
#ZoeysExtraordinaryPlaylist #wreckingball #mileycyrus