Dis · @dis
39 followers · 117 posts · Server techhub.social

I still hate , and as a bonus it refuses to stream to . Any other suggestions out there?

#ZoneMinder #homeassistant

Last updated 2 years ago

Dis · @dis
35 followers · 103 posts · Server techhub.social

Today is another adventure. I just don't like the existing apps, and still can't stream (it only provides the <=1fps idle snapshot rate.)

I should also clean up and submit my added camera prefs to the repo soon.

Is this what it feels like to be excited about a project? Been a while.

Any from the collective for management that isn't ?

Bonus attachment: a at a , as seen from an painters-taped to a window. Lots of camera and focus adjustments to do still.
TW: it's about 5 degrees off from level. I have no intention of fixing it. Eventually I need to design a more permanent, adjustable suction cup mount.

#esp32 #microcontroller #esphome #rtsp #recommendations #camera #ZoneMinder #cardinal #birdfeeder #esp32cam

Last updated 2 years ago

AI8W 🤖📡 · @AI8W
36 followers · 170 posts · Server mastodon.hams.social

I'm currently trying to "cheat" a bit and figure a way to "archive" all footage from a particular date, but only on specific monitors, in . I'm sure if I wanted to mess with the database I could throw some SQL at it and see if it works, but I also don't want to mangle my running instance, either.
Maybe if it had a "list all events from monitors 1-10 for Dec 6th 2022" so I could select all the results and "archive" them...
Searching.... Searching... Sear....


Last updated 2 years ago