@walkie57 In terms of places to go, can recommend Zoos as a good option. @PrinceMumbles and I loved our #ZooTrip earlier in the year.
Here we have some more friends from the #ZooTrip #AnimalFriends #Animals
#ZooTrip #AnimalFriends #animals
Finally catching up on sharing my #ZooTrip pictures from when @PrinceMumbles and I went to the zoo earlier. Enjoy some #AnimalPics
@SamYoung841 @Archieinrye I'd suggest switching apps, the official IOS one seems to be a bit broken for most of the sites. Give Meta Text a go, I was using it yesterday to post my #ZooTrip pictures and it worked a treat!
I will post more #ZooTrip later. We've not got long left before close and a lot more to see so watch this space!
more #Tigers on #catsofmastodon with our #ZooTrip
#tigers #catsofmastodon #ZooTrip
We have found the #Tigers here on the #ZooTrip and they're amazing. Video to follow later as it's too big to upload. #catsofmastodon #bigcat
#tigers #ZooTrip #catsofmastodon #bigcat
im going to spam post my #zootrip photos later bcs my phone is quickly running out of battery from posting 🥲
We found the #Armadillos and they're speedy little ones but incredible animals. #ZooTrip