is back for 2023 with more GameReviews!
This week Aereyn covers a low poly resource and time management gig that has lots of great animals to visit but sometimes feels just like real work. Read the full review at

Keep it fun !

#igr #india #indiegame #Zookeeper #indiedevs

Last updated 2 years ago

Hrefna (DHC) · @hrefna
422 followers · 1608 posts · Server

Blockchains won't end imperialism or radically reform the mortgage industry. They _might_ change the shape of these things, but it will be by degrees at most. The same way imperialism has changed to adapt to everything else.

and have many real uses and even mongo seems to have gotten their act together, but PSQL and MSSQL are still going on strong, and tools like Spanner and BigQuery rely heavily on SQL.

is fine for what it is, but interop is always bespoke

#Zookeeper #cassandra #activitypub

Last updated 2 years ago

Cian Ó Muilleoir · @KinoEmm
101 followers · 271 posts · Server

3 node cluster back in business, with , & all tested and confirmed as up and running.

Now all I have to do is code up this tweet pipeline with ETL, a bloom filter, and analytics built in.😓

#spark #Zookeeper #kafka

Last updated 2 years ago

Noel J Penaflor · @NoelJPenaflor
101 followers · 274 posts · Server

In 2012, a in China licked a monkey’s anus for an hour in order to save the monkey’s life. The monkey had become dangerously constipated after consuming a peanut that had been tossed into its enclosure. Because the was too young for laxatives, they had to resort to this measure.

#Zookeeper #monkey #fact #facts #info #information #wtf #wth #funfact #funfacts

Last updated 2 years ago

Hrefna (DHC) · @hrefna
300 followers · 854 posts · Server

I swear 90% of the time when I run into people who have had bad experiences with it is because they were doing something truly eldritch and evil with it and not because they were doing something it was actually designed to do.

"We used ZK for message passing"

"We stored 10 MB config files in it."

"We decided it wasn't sufficiently performant to use the patterns and so wrote our own."

"We check it ten thousand times a second to see if the value changed"

Like just… why.


Last updated 2 years ago

Hrefna (DHC) · @hrefna
300 followers · 850 posts · Server

On the other end of the spectrum we could set up like this, with everything in separate boxes:

1. as a WAF
2. A
3. as a reverse proxy.
4. as an HTTP server.
5. for caching
6. as a queue system.
7. Vertx EventBus as a controller.
8. Verticles as processors, run on a cluster.
9. for a database and post store
10. for media storage and backups.
11. for search.
12. for coordination of Solr an Vertx.


#cloudarmor #cdn #nginx #vertx #memcached #rabbitmq #psql #GCS #solr #Zookeeper

Last updated 2 years ago

The Bellman · @thebellman
25 followers · 128 posts · Server

Here we go - a quick write up on how I built this little cluster on

All in all, a pleasant afternoon’s work.

#Zookeeper #raspberrypi

Last updated 2 years ago

Vladislav Goncharov · @leovs09
2 followers · 12 posts · Server

2) Redpanda - written in C++ streaming database, supports Kafka API with 10x faster performance without additional load like a Zookeeper and smaller memory footprint.
Uses Seastar asynchronous framework and Raft algorithm for consensus.

#kafka #Zookeeper #c #cpp

Last updated 2 years ago

I used to be a and before becoming a , , . Where are y'all?

#Zookeeper #VeterinaryTechnician #dogtrainer #CatTrainer #PetTrainer

Last updated 2 years ago