LOL- Zoom-Konferenz der US-Notenbank nach "Porno-Bombardierung" abgesagt
Eine Zoom-Konferenz der US-Notenbank, an der mehr als 220 Personen teilnahmen, wurde abgebrochen, nachdem ein Nutzer die Sitzung gekapert und pornografische Inhalte angezeigt hatte, berichtet Reuters.
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#datenschutz #hackerangriff #hacker #cybersecurity #itsicherheit #zoombomb #telekonferenzhijacking
#datenschutz #hackerangriff #hacker #cybersecurity #itsicherheit #ZoomBomb #telekonferenzhijacking
Feds: K-12 Cyberattacks Dramatically on the Rise - Attackers are targeting students and faculty alike with malware, phishing, DDoS, Zoom bombs and mo... #cybersecurityandinfrastructuresecurityagency #distancelearning #securityadvisory #vulnerabilities #remotelearning #cyberattacks #websecurity #government #ransomware #education #phishing #zoombomb #malware #schools #edtech #alert #cisa #ddos #k-12 #fbi
#fbi #k #ddos #cisa #alert #edtech #schools #malware #ZoomBomb #phishing #education #ransomware #government #websecurity #cyberattacks #remotelearning #vulnerabilities #securityadvisory #distancelearning #cybersecurityandinfrastructuresecurityagency
@mhoye The thought occurs: #chaffing / #DataPoisoning.
If we're going to live in a world in which every utterance and action is tracked, issue and utter as much as posssible.
Wire up a speech-aware-and-capable GPT-3 to your phone, have it handle telemarketers, scammers, and political calls. Simply to tie up their time.
Create positive-emotive socmed bots to #pumpUp your #socialcredit score.
Unleash bots on your political opposition's media channels. Have them call in to talk radio, and #ZoomBomb calls and conferences.
Create plausible deniability. Post selfies from a ddozen, or a thousand, places you're not.
Create #DigitalSmog to choke the #FAANG s.
Fight fire with fire.
#chaffing #datapoisoning #pumpUp #socialcredit #ZoomBomb #DigitalSmog #faang
Porn blast disrupts bail hearing of alleged Twitter hacker - An alleged hacker's bail hearing held online via Zoom with screen sharing enabled... what could po... #twitterhack #law&order #zoombomb #twitter
#twitter #ZoomBomb #law #twitterhack
Cisco, Zoom and Others Must Bolster Security, Say Privacy Chiefs - Privacy commissioners worldwide urged video conferencing systems like Microsoft, Cisco and Zoom to... more: #videoconferencingsystems #twofactorauthentication #privacycommissioners #endtoendencryption #vulnerability #workfromhome #coronavirus #houseparty #microsoft #security #zoombomb #privacy #google #cisco #zoom
#zoom #cisco #google #privacy #ZoomBomb #security #microsoft #houseparty #coronavirus #workfromhome #vulnerability #endtoendencryption #privacycommissioners #twofactorauthentication #videoconferencingsystems
Les grands oubliés sont encore les données personnelles....
Cours en ligne : existe-t-il des alternatives à Zoom ?
#ZoomBomb #donnéespersonnelles