I love fantasy ttrpgs! Here are a few from my collection (yes, I have DnD & Pathfinder, and play them regularly).
What’s your favourite non-DnD fantasy ttrpg?
#dnd #5e #p2e #ttrpg #map #cartography #DungeonsAndDragons
#osr #ose #oldschool #Pathfinder2e #pathfinder #tabletop #tabletopRolePlayingGame #RPG #RolePlayingGame #DM
#DnD5e #DungeonsAndDragons5e #CriticalRole #polyhedral
#dcc #DungeonCrawlClassics #Zweihander #warhammer #13thAge #DragonWarriors
#capharnaum #monstersandmagic
#DnD #5e #P2E #ttrpg #map #cartography #dungeonsAndDragons #osr #ose #oldschool #pathfinder2e #pathfinder #tabletop #tabletopRolePlayingGame #rpg #roleplayinggame #dm #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons5e #criticalrole #polyhedral #DCC #dungeoncrawlclassics #Zweihander #warhammer #13thage #DragonWarriors #Capharnaum #monstersandmagic
We are nearing the end of the Kickstarter, with only one week to go! We're only $468 away from our final stretch goal, and $4000! Spread the word!
#Zweihander #ose #DnD #pathfinder2e #Zinequest
We've now got four systems the adventure will be written for! While primarily focused on Zweihander and OSE, and remaining just as brutal, the adventure will be adapted over to 5e and Pathfinder 2e! Back it now to push this project even further forward! #Pathfinder #Dnd #Zweihander #OSE
#pathfinder #DnD #Zweihander #ose
#GTKM Get to Know Me from some of my favorite #ttrpg systems:
#TheBurningWheel #MouseGuard #Zweihander #rolemaster #runequest #Merp #ChivalryAndSorcery #NeoClassicalGeekRevival all #KevinCrawford games #symbaroum #Hackmaster 5e #BarbariansofLemuria #WHFRP #DuneRPG #trailofcthulhu #theonering #adnd #ryuutama, #GoldenSkyStories #AgainstTheDarkmaster #BlackbirdsRPG
#gtkm #ttrpg #TheBurningWheel #MouseGuard #Zweihander #rolemaster #runequest #Merp #ChivalryAndSorcery #NeoClassicalGeekRevival #kevincrawford #symbaroum #Hackmaster #BarbariansofLemuria #WHFRP #DuneRPG #trailofcthulhu #theonering #adnd #ryuutama #GoldenSkyStories #AgainstTheDarkmaster #BlackbirdsRPG
Interesting update from the Into the Mother Lands KS. It looks like Andrew McMeel Publishing shut down their #TTRPG division. I wonder how that's going to impact #Zweihander and their other games.
And another...I just backed
#Zinequest #ZiMo #kickstarter #osr #ose #Zweihander
The portal to the fey realm has opened, and the Blackwinter Court has awoken! Check out The Doom of Blackwinter now, on Kickstarter.
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dicemonkey/the-doom-of-blackwinter?ref=bt3a5b #dnd #ttrpg #ose #zweihander
Tomorrow, the Doom of Blackwinter descends on the mortal realms! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dicemonkey/the-doom-of-blackwinter?ref=bt3a5b #Kickstarter #TTRPG #Zweihander
#kickstarter #ttrpg #Zweihander
We're only 10 followers away from 200 people who want to be notified when the Kickstarter launches! Can you help me get to 200? If every single one of those people back at the PDF level, we'd blow through all of our stretch goals.
The Doom of Blackwinter is coming!
The Doom of Blackwinter is coming.
Winter has come early to Ethan's Vale. While still very early autumn, terrible snowstorms have swept down the mountains and enveloped the region at the edge of the Pinnacle Peaks.
#Zweihander #ose #Zinequest #ttrpg
There are a ton of different options for games that use the OGL or utilize something similar. I talk all about it today over at DiceMonkey. https://www.dicemonkey.net/2023/01/10/other-games-with-an-open-game-license-or-similar/ #OGL #DnD #Zweihander #FateRPG #Genesys, #CypherRPG #PoweredBytheApocalypse #ForgedInTheDark
#ogl #DnD #Zweihander #faterpg #Genesys #cypherRPG #PoweredByTheApocalypse #forgedinthedark
Just received #Zweihander #StarterKit #ttrpg from a #kickstarter
Absolutely overflowing with stuff, including maps, GM screen, poster, folios for every class, cards, dice, etc. that’s a full box! 😊
#Zweihander #starterkit #ttrpg #kickstarter
Played a fantastic game of #Zweihander #ttrpg with folks at Grim & Perilous Studios and Defenders of Kobold (can't find either to tag so if anyone knows their handles, please tag them) and immediately got obsessed w/ the world (love dark fantasy) and the chase mechanics (been looking for good chase mechanics to import into my home #dnd game!)
Here's a 10-min video of me gushing about it. #Subtitles available. Audio-only format: https://maitreyiplaysgames.podbean.com/
#Zweihander #ttrpg #DnD #subtitles #accessibility
Have a couple of games that I kind of want to run, but just don't have time at this moment.
First, really want to run #Zweihander's "Eternal Night of Lockwood", because I just really like Zweihander right now.
Second, thinking a lot about running a #CyberpunkRed game centered around a community in an old Cargo Yard in Night City that centers around Community Self Defense and holding the line against Corp influence (which I think the Time of Red is well-suited to explore).
@GurglingGrout love it!
Most recently played:
1. #HauntedWest
2. #SavageWorlds
3. #MageTheAscension
4. #13thage
5. #Zweihander
(And ofc, #DnD )
Want to play:
1. #Alternity
2. #TinyD6
3. #Blackhack
4. #Cortex
5. #BlueRose
#HauntedWest #savageworlds #magetheascension #13thage #Zweihander #DnD #alternity #tinyd6 #blackhack #cortex #BlueRose
My #ttrpg #5and5 game choices are generally "chosen" by the students in the gaming club (most know of nothing beyond D&D), and my short list of games I feel I can run competently. I run as many games as I can, or are needed to entertain the kids. So...
Last five games run:
#D&D 5e
#D&D B/X
#Pathfinder 2e
Wanting or run or hoping to play:
#Starfinder - can't get enough
The final 2 are anything, really. I'd just like to be a PC, again! 😂
#ttrpg #5and5 #d #pathfinder #starfinder #callofcthulhu #Zweihander