The sentencing in absentia of @Tsihanouskaya, Maria Maroz, Syarhey Dylevski, Paval Latushka & Volha Kavalkova by the illegitimate regime is absurd. It is Lukashenka and his henchmen who belong in jail, not freedom-loving Belarusian patriots!
The world should forget the case of Raman Pratasevich and the forced landing of an entire airplane by the illegitimate Lukashenka regime.
Mr Pratasevich and all political prisoners in Belarus must be released!
RT @nexta_tv: Today begins the trial of the #NEXTA-2020 editors:
Raman #Pratasevich has already been brought to court: "For me personally, everything with these people has long been clear, so I have nothing to say," he said.
#ZyvieBelarus #Nexta #Pratasevich
RT @MiriamMLex: Two years ago, the people of #Belarus bravely stood up to the brutal & illegitimate regime of #Lukashenka.
We must & we will continue to work tirelessly to support the Belarusian people in their desire to live in a free, democratic, sovereign & prosperous Belarus! #ZyvieBelarus
#Belarus #Lukashenka #ZyvieBelarus
Two years ago, the people of #Belarus bravely stood up to the brutal & illegitimate regime of #Lukashenka.
We must & we will continue to work tirelessly to support the Belarusian people in their desire to live in a free, democratic, sovereign & prosperous Belarus! #ZyvieBelarus
#Belarus #Lukashenka #ZyvieBelarus
We must redouble our support to the people of #Belarus as we continue to support the people of #Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression, because we cannot have free and sovereign Ukraine without a free and sovereign Belarus
#Belarus #Ukraine #StandWithBelarus #ZyvieBelarus
As we continue to support the people of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression, we must also redouble our support to the people of Belarus, because we cannot have free and sovereign Ukraine without a free and sovereign Belarus