Bon du coup je tente Dokuwiki et j'y comprends déjà rien, j'ai tout téléchargé et…du coup je fais quoi ? #_# #PensezAuxNoobsParPitié
Mais ma parole prenez un designer qu'il vous apprenne à mettre une pastille d'alerte ou à cocher par défaut une case pour que ça nous envoie des mails, c'est pas possible -__-"
Et c'est par là que passent TOUS les auto-entrepreneurs en plus !!!! donc on est des centaines / milliers à subir cette interface de merde !!!!! #_#
黑歷史 紅玉魔裝
#原創 #れんこうぎょく #練紅玉 #ren #kougyoku #魔笛MAGI #水彩
#watercolor #少女 #young #girl #マギ #魔奇少年 #Magi #Renkougyoku
#drawing #painting #paint #paintings #illust #繪畫
#illustration #illustrator #art #artwork #artist #pixivSketch
#pixivsketch #artist #artwork #art #illustrator #illustration #繪畫 #illust #paintings #paint #painting #drawing #renkougyoku #magi #魔奇少年 #マギ #girl #young #少女 #watercolor #水彩 #魔笛magi #kougyoku #ren #練紅玉 #れんこうぎょく #原創 #_
Actually the full origin of the word is the Slavic "robota" which literally means forced peasant laborer in the Feudal system. o_o
So if androids ever did exist, this'd be one of those words that describes both a people-group and simultaneously the occupation of servant or slave as though that is their intrinsic inescapable nature...which (unless I'm mistaken) is the primary reason why the N-word is what it is #_#
PHP Twitter Hashtag Validation Regex · GitHub
Une regex pour valider un hashtag. Implémentation en PHP.
* PHP Regex to validate a Twitter hashtag
* Useful for validating a text input (an HTML form in your CMS or custom application) that must be a valid Twitter hashtag.
* Valid examples: #a, #_, #_1, #_a, #1a, #áéìôü, #123hàsh_täg446
* Invalid examples: #1, ##hashtag, #hash-tag, #hash.tag, …
#shaarli —
#a #_ #_1 #_a #1a #áéìôü #123hàsh_täg446 #hashtag #hash #shaarli
Line comments ;; like this
or // like this
are bad.
They're always a special case when editing, and are super-fiddly when they need to be expanded to multiple lines.
Bar-comments #| like this |# are much preferable (available in schemes and common lisp), followed by Clojure's #_ and scheme's #;
These commenting forms are amenable to all the same tools and methods you have available for editing regular lisp/clojure/scheme code, like paredit and parinfer.