RT @BSCGemsAlert@twitter.com
🌕2013 - You missed $BTC
🌕2014 - You missed $DOGE
🌕2015 - You missed $XRP
🌕2016 - You missed $ETH
🌕2017 - You missed $ADA
🌕2018 - You missed $BNB
🌕2019 - You missed $LINK
🌕2020 - You missed $DOT
🌕2021 - You missed $SHIB
✅In 2022, don't miss #________ 🧐🤔
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BSCGemsAlert/status/1582084267890253824
(retrying this because I guess leading spaces aren't preserved, or multiple spaces of any kind...)
haven't seen any of this around and I felt like making some ascii-art. figured it might get some use if I post it here.
plain ascii-version:
累計至 2021-10-29,全民共接種了 24,481,074 劑,劑次人口比 104.39 (劑/每百人)。
💉第一劑 16,951,012 (+294,467)
[##################________] 72.28%
💉第二劑 7,530,062 (+137,873)
[########__________________] 32.1%
#________ #__________________ #covidvaccine #COVID19 #COVID19Taiwan
累計至 2021-10-28,全民共接種了 24,048,734 劑,劑次人口比 102.55 (劑/每百人)。
💉第一劑 16,656,545 (+251,752)
[##################________] 71.02%
💉第二劑 7,392,189 (+159,832)
[########__________________] 31.52%
#________ #__________________ #covidvaccine #COVID19 #COVID19Taiwan
累計至 2021-10-27,全民共接種了 23,637,150 劑,劑次人口比 100.79 (劑/每百人)。
💉第一劑 16,404,793 (+123,592)
[##################________] 69.95%
💉第二劑 7,232,357 (+295,929)
[########__________________] 30.83%
#________ #__________________ #covidvaccine #COVID19 #COVID19Taiwan
累計至 2021-10-26,全民共接種了 23,217,629 劑,劑次人口比 99.00 (劑/每百人)。
💉第一劑 16,281,201 (+176,078)
[##################________] 69.42%
💉第二劑 6,936,428 (+257,857)
[#######___________________] 29.57%
#________ #___________________ #covidvaccine #COVID19 #COVID19Taiwan