Oh, this again?
Yeah, I will be there. And yeah, I will probably sponsor it again (at the lowest level because I am but one man).
RT @a11yTO
#a11yWeekTO returns October 19-24, 2020!
#a11yIRL - Wednesday Oct. 21st
#a11yTOConf - Oct. 22nd and 23rd
#a11yTOGaming - Saturday Oct. 24th.
Save the date! More events and ticket info will be announced in the new year.
#a11ytogaming #a11ytoconf #a11yirl #a11yweekto
Updated my #a11yTOConf #a11yWeekTO #a11yTOGaming #a11yIRL wrap-up (https://adrianroselli.com/2019/10/a11yweekto-recap.html#Related) to link to…
1. @LFLegal@twitter.com’s ace post: https://www.lflegal.com/2019/10/a11yto/
2. @madebyhector@twitter.com’s notes: https://madebyhector.github.io/a11yTOConf2020/
3. More slide links.
If you have have an addition / removal, lemme know.
#a11yirl #a11ytogaming #a11yweekto #a11ytoconf
I have a recap from #a11yTOConf #a11yIRL #a11yTOGaming that is mostly photos and only a handful of links to slides:
But if, like me, you block Twitter on web pages all the images are there. Load over wifi.
#a11ytogaming #a11yirl #a11ytoconf
I made a recap post of #a11yWeekTO #a11yIRL #a11yTOConf #a11yTOGaming: https://adrianroselli.com/2019/10/a11yweekto-recap.html
It has a few links to slides (more needed), is mostly my tweets, and has bounded Twitter searches for the hashtags so you can get a broader view than just mine.
#a11ytogaming #a11ytoconf #a11yirl #a11yweekto
I can see myself! (furthest human to the right who is not sitting in the floor, but is hidden behind others, sitting next to the wookie, @thebillygregory@twitter.com)
RT @Acuity_Design@twitter.com
Discussion of need for choice of working space in a room that does offer alternatives of where to sit and listen #a11yIRL https://t.co/MA@thebillygregory@twitter.com
Shout out to my alma mater at #a11yTO #a11yIRL for their definition of Universal Design: http://idea.ap.buffalo.edu/about/universal-design/
I will be at all of them (and co-sponsoring the big one) and hope you will too.
RT @thebillygregory@twitter.com
Your #a11yWeekTO Update:
#A11YIRL: One week away!
#a11yWeekTOKaraoke: Almost sold out!
#a11yTOConf: Few tickets remain!!
#a11yWeekTOTweetup: SOLD OUT
#a11yTOGaming: $20 to learn about / play video games?! C'mon!!
Get your tickets today!
More info: http://a11yTO.com
#a11yweekto #a11yirl #a11yweektokaraoke #a11ytoconf #a11yweektotweetup #a11ytogaming
RT @a11yTO@twitter.com
We have a special code for our #AXSChat friends today!
Use the promo code "axschat" or the link in this tweet to save $50 on #a11yTOConf and #a11yIRL tickets for the next 24 hours!
#axschat #a11ytoconf #a11yirl #a11yweekto
/me turns on snark detector.
None detected, just lots of hashtags.
RT @paciellogroup@twitter.com
In just under an hour @thebillygregory, our Director of Training and co-organizer of @a11yTO, will be on @AXSChat.
Now for all the hashtags: #AXSChat #a11yWeekTO #a11yTOConf #a11yIRL #a11yTOGaming
#axschat #a11yweekto #a11ytoconf #a11yirl #a11ytogaming
BTW, #DevOpsDaysBUF folks who are interested in the accessibility things I referenced in my Ignite talk, lots of great accessibility talks next month in TO:
RT @a11yTO@twitter.com
Dozens of speakers, four days, three events!
Check out #a11yWeekTO at http://a11yTO.com.
Get your tickets here:
#a11yIRL, October 23rd: http://ow.ly/s2mX50w8H9I
#a11yTOConf, Oct 24-25: http://ow.ly/WM3R50w8H9C
#a11yTOGaming, October 26th: http://ow.ly/SApa5…
#devopsdaysbuf #a11yweekto #a11yirl #a11ytoconf #a11ytogaming
Date change for just the built environment event.
RT @a11yTO@twitter.com
We’re shaking things up a bit: #a11yIRL has been moved to midweek, right before #a11yTOConf.
Stay tuned for the exciting SECRET REASON why and in the meanwhile, get your tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/a11yirl-accessibility-in-real-life-tickets-61654329760
Stay tuned for more announcements!
Welp, if this compares to the other #a11yTO events then I will be driving up there October 26.
RT @a11yTO@twitter.com
#a11yTO is thrilled to announce a new addition to our calendar of events ... #a11yIRL: Accessibility In Real Life! A conference for, and about, built accessibility!
Saturday, October 26, 2019
More info: http://irl.a11yto.com
#Toronto #a11y #AODA #accessibility
#a11yirl #a11yto #toronto #a11y #aoda #accessibility