#WritersCoffeeClub 9: have you ever abandoned a #writing project?
All the time, though it's mostly down to my neurological issues, where I start things but rarely finish. In recent times, however, the only things I've finished were #ShortStories for my #A215 and #A111 assignments.
#AmWriting #WritingCommunity #OpenUniversity #neurodivergence #CreativeWriting
#creativewriting #neurodivergence #openuniversity #writingcommunity #amwriting #a111 #a215 #shortstories #writing #writerscoffeeclub
While doing my research for my current #A215 assignment, I was really surprised as to how many literary competitions and publications there are. Gives me plenty of avenues to explore, when it comes to my being ready to actually start publishing my #writing. 🙂
#research #poetry #creativewriting #writing #a215
On this World Poetry Day, I shall mostly be working on the second of my two #poems for my #A215 assignment. 🙂
#WorldPoetryDay #petry #writing #OpenUniversity #WritingCommunity
#writingcommunity #openuniversity #writing #petry #worldpoetryday #a215 #poems
I am definitely feeling like being a #poet is in my future, as I finished a first draft of a #poem earlier, and I enjoyed the process! 🙂
I won't be able to publicly post it yet, for it's for my #A215 TMA!
#CreativeWriting #WritingCommunity #A215 #writing #OpenUniversity
#openuniversity #writing #writingcommunity #creativewriting #a215 #poem #poet
I'm actually looking forward to my next #A215 assignment, as I didn't think I'd be as interested in #poetry as originally thought. Looking forward to see what I can come up with! 🙂
#openuniversity #writingcommunity #creativewriting #poetry #a215
Been going through the #poetry block of my #A215 Creative #Writing module, and I am actually enjoying it... didn't think I would. I will probably start posting some of my #poems here soon.
Be warned! 😅 😂
#creativewriting #poets #amwriting #writingcommunity #poems #writing #a215 #poetry
Started the #poetry block of my #CreativeWriting module. Must admit that I'm starting to feel a lot more positive, about #writing #poems, especially when learning that many #poets write their first drafts in prose form. 🙂
#writingcommunity #a215 #poets #poems #writing #creativewriting #poetry
#A215 – Life https://www.themself.org/2014/03/a215-life-writing-an-early-memory/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #academic #creativewriting #lifewriting #openuniversity #openuniversitya215creativewriting #study
#study #openuniversitya215creativewriting #openuniversity #LifeWriting #creativewriting #academic #a215
#Writing and https://www.themself.org/2013/11/writing-and-tensionconflict/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #a215 #creativewriting #fence #gsuotc #isleoflewis #openuniversity #rafstornoway #stornoway #uotc
#uotc #stornoway #rafstornoway #openuniversity #isleoflewis #gsuotc #fence #creativewriting #a215 #writing
That's my #A215 story submitted. I'm rather pleased with how it turned out. Of the stories I've written thus far, this is the one that's made actually feel like a writer, despite my neurolgical issues! 🙂
I shall be posting it online in due course.
#openuniversity #amwriting #writing #a215
Finished the first draft of a new #ShortStory earlier, my first one in quite some time. This is for my #A215 #TMA.
I did struggle with this one, as I had some health issues crop up with delayed its #writing. I'm pleased that I got it done though, as I did feel a lot better once it was completed! 🙂
#AmWriting #CreativeWriting #OpenUniversity #assignment #WritingCommunity
#writingcommunity #assignment #openuniversity #creativewriting #amwriting #writing #tma #a215 #shortstory
https://www.themself.org/2013/09/writing-routines/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #a215 #academic #bookwriting #creativewriting #nanowrimo #nationalnovelwritingmonth #openuniversity #writer #writersresources
#writersresources #writer #openuniversity #nationalnovelwritingmonth #nanowrimo #creativewriting #Bookwriting #academic #a215
https://www.themself.org/2013/07/exodus-notes-mike-duff/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #a215 #crisispoint #england #exodus #fiction #macbeth #mackduff #mikeduff #openuniversity #scotland #shakespeare #study #writing
#writing #study #shakespeare #scotland #openuniversity #mikeduff #mackduff #macbeth #fiction #exodus #england #crisispoint #a215
https://www.themself.org/2016/01/themself-now-available-kindle/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #a215 #academic #creativewriting #lifewriting #nonfiction #openuniversity #openuniversitya215creativewriting #selfpublishing #writing
#writing #selfpublishing #openuniversitya215creativewriting #openuniversity #nonfiction #LifeWriting #creativewriting #academic #a215
Just started working on the planning stage of my next #A215 short story, using the new #Obsidian Canvas feature. I'm certainly liking it, thus far. 🙂
I've been meaning to get into #MindMapping for years, but never truly got a grip with it. Perhaps that will change for me now?! 🤔
#amplotting #pkm #writingcommunity #writing #mindmapping #obsidian #a215
#A215 – Life #Writing – Initiative at Night https://www.themself.org/2014/03/a215-life-writing-initiative-at-night/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #academic #bookreview #britisharmy #creativewriting #edinburgh #lifewriting #openuniversity #openuniversitya215creativewriting #study #uotc
#uotc #study #openuniversitya215creativewriting #openuniversity #LifeWriting #edinburgh #creativewriting #britisharmy #bookreview #academic #writing #a215
#A215 Short Fiction: #Daprav – A Creation https://www.themself.org/2013/11/daprav-creation-myth/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #academic #creationmyth #fiction #openuniversity #roleplaying #writing
#writing #roleplaying #openuniversity #fiction #CreationMyth #academic #daprav #a215
Geek #Poetry – New Poetry Genre? https://www.themself.org/2014/04/geek-poetry-new-poetry-genre/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #a215 #study
Book Review – Story Design: https://www.themself.org/2013/11/book-review-story-design-storytellers-handbook-for-writers-and-dream-merchants-by-seam/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #a215 #bookreview #creativewriting #howto #language #writersresources #writing
#writing #writersresources #language #howto #creativewriting #bookreview #a215
#A215 – Life https://www.themself.org/2014/03/a215-life-writing-working-in-the-dark/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #academic #creativewriting #lifewriting #openuniversity #openuniversitya215creativewriting #study
#study #openuniversitya215creativewriting #openuniversity #LifeWriting #creativewriting #academic #a215