You can also comment on specific projects. If you live in/near A2, I would *strongly* encourage y'all to submit a comment on the upcoming North Main (I-94 BL) reconstruction.
Right now, it's an incredibly dangerous high-speed corridor. Serious crashes happen all the time (just ask @sstrudeau). Needs a lane reduction to 3 lanes, complete sidewalks on both sides, signalized crosswalks, and possibly other sorts of "speed management".
/cc #a2council
Opinion | Many observers think that the problem with Ann Arbor Nextdoor is its tolerance of local conspiracists and refusal to effectively moderate obviously racist commentary. But local moderator Chrissy Granitemelter isn’t so sure. #a2council
(from Avalon Housing, @avalonhousing on twitter):
ADVOCACY ALERT: Contact Washtenaw County Urban Executive Committee before or at their September 6 meeting! Ask that 50% of HOME-ARP funding be used as originally proposed to develop permanently affordable housing. #a2council
CM Radina points out that MAGA extremists were trying to break down doors to stop ballots from being counted in Detroit. That goes beyond shenanigans.
One of the extremists behind this attack is now the chair of the Republican party, so we can expect more of these "shenanigans".
Dep city administrator Fournier explains why we need a fancy new election center.
He says a lot of important and good things, but I'm getting too tired to describe them all.
Or, apparently, any of them, wheeeeee
DC-5: A Resolution Directing the City Administrator to Advocate for the Michigan Legislature to End the Use of 14(c) Certificates and Subminimum Wage in the State of Michigan
Action: Approve (Edwin)
Result: Pass
Voice vote
CM Akmon says the way we run our elections must be beyond reproach, so that the denialist shenanigans can't find a foothold here.
CM Disch says it's cool that we're doing more equitable elections now, with more absentee ballots. We need to do our part, by doing the elections right. So it's cool that we're gonna establish this sufficient election center.
DC-6: Resolution to Approve a Purchase Agreement for 3021-3023 Miller Road for the Purposes of Establishing an Election Center and Building Studio Space for the Community Television Network
CM Ghazi-Edwin explains that some of the disabled workers with 14c certificates are making less that $1/hr.
No employer has 14c employees in the city. Let's keep it that way. Let's also stop there from being 14c certificates, by asking the state to stop them from happening.
Instead, let's do "competitive integrated employment" (CIE) to help disabled workers.
DC-4: Resolution to Initiate a Statue to Honor Kathy Kozachenko
Action: Approve (Radina)
Result: Pass
Voice vote
A Resolution Directing the City Administrator to Advocate for the Michigan Legislature to End the Use of 14c Certificates and Subminimum Wage in the State of Michigan
Kathy Kozachenko statue is approved!
I wonder if Kathy Kozachenko will come here for the unveiling of the statue??? I hope so!
Mayor Taylor says, in addition to the cool LGBTQ history we'd be honoring, also, less than 3% of public statues depict women, so it's cool to have a new public statue of a woman.
Kathy Kozachenko ran for #A2Council in 1974. She was the first gay person to run for public office in the USA while being out of the closet, and to win.
(Nancy Wechsler and Jerry DeGrieck ran for #A2Council while in the closet and won in 1972, and then came out later, but Kozachenko was the first person to win while being out of the closet).
DC-3: Resolution to Improve Data Transparency and Performance Management
Action: Approve (Briggs)
Result: Pass
Voice vote
Resolution to Initiate a Statue to Honor Kathy Kozachenko
CM Akmon says she has a hard time figuring out the city's progress toward transportation goals. We've got the dashboards, we've got the data, but it's still hard to find out what the goal is and what our progress toward it is.
Having a cool dashboard would also lessen staff load, because people won't be bugging staff for answers that can easily be gotten from dashboards.