Updated Incident: #A419 (N) #A361 to #A4311 - Broken down vehicle - Moderate Delays - One lane closed Time: 15:28:09 - More Info: http://englandhighwayincidents.infinityfreeapp.com/index.html?selectedIncident=GUID1-4324758
New Incident: #A419 (N) #A361 to #A4311 - Broken down vehicle - Delays Possible - One lane closed - More Info: http://englandhighwayincidents.infinityfreeapp.com/index.html?selectedIncident=GUID1-4324758
New Incident: #A419 (N) #A4311 to #B4040 - Broken down vehicle - Delays Possible - One lane closed - More Info: http://englandhighwayincidents.infinityfreeapp.com/index.html?selectedIncident=GUID1-4320600
New Incident: #A419 northbound between #A4311 and #B4040 - Accident - Road traffic collision - Delays Possible - One Of Two Lanes Closed. ID: 4259962 - More Info: http://englandhighwayincidents.infinityfreeapp.com/index.html?selectedIncident=GUID1-4259962
New Incident: #A419 northbound between #A4311 and #B4040 - Accident - Road traffic collision - Delays Possible - One Of Two Lanes Closed. ID: 4246693 - More Info: http://englandhighwayincidents.infinityfreeapp.com/index.html?selectedIncident=GUID1-4246693
New Incident: #A419 northbound between #A4311 and #B4040 - Accident - Road traffic collision - Delays Possible - One Of Two Lanes Closed. ID: 4239592 - More Info: http://englandhighwayincidents.infinityfreeapp.com/index.html?selectedIncident=GUID1-4239592
Cleared Incident: #A419 northbound between #A361 and #A4311 - Broken down vehicle - Delays Possible - One Of Two Lanes Closed. ID: 4210172 - Links: Traffic England: http://www.trafficengland.com/?evtID=4210172 Waze: https://www.waze.com/ul?ll=51.60031%2C-1.7752911 Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=51.60031%2C-1.7752911 http://englandhighwayincidents.infinityfreeapp.com/index.html?selectedIncident=4210172
New Incident: #A419 northbound between #A361 and #A4311 - Broken down vehicle - Delays Possible - One Of Two Lanes Closed. ID: 4210172 - Links: Traffic England: http://www.trafficengland.com/?evtID=4210172 Waze: https://www.waze.com/ul?ll=51.60031%2C-1.7752911 Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=51.60031%2C-1.7752911 http://englandhighwayincidents.infinityfreeapp.com/index.html?selectedIncident=4210172
New Incident: #A419 northbound between #A361 and #A4311 - Broken down vehicle - Delays Possible - One Of Two Lanes Closed. ID: 4198193 - Links: Traffic England: http://www.trafficengland.com/?evtID=4198193 Waze: https://www.waze.com/ul?ll=51.60083%2C-1.7761945 Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=51.60083%2C-1.7761945