#PHNL - #A76A3A (747-44AF B744) United Parcel Service @ 1550 ft and 7.5Β° frm hrzn, heading S @ 02:01:52 - http://rtmladsb.com/?icao=A76A3A #AfterHours #ProbablyLanding #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Hawaii
#phnl #a76a3a #afterhours #probablylanding #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #hawaii
#PHNL - #A76A3A (747-44AF B744) United Parcel Service @ 1550 ft and 7.4Β° frm hrzn, heading S @ 03:12:26 - http://rtmladsb.com/?icao=A76A3A #AfterHours #ProbablyLanding #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Hawaii
#phnl #a76a3a #afterhours #probablylanding #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #hawaii
Flight: #UPS204
Reg: N577UP
Callsign: #UPS
United Parcel Service Company - 747-44AF πΊπΈ
#CGN to #PHL
Speed: 919 kmh
Alt: 9144 m
Dist: 5.8 km
β: 57.6Β°
->: WNW
Track: http://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=A76A3A&lat=50.983&lon=4.447&zoom=10.5&showTrace=2023-02-26
Seen: 1st x
#phl #cgn #ups #a76a3a #ups204