I never thought I'd make it this far but part of me wonders if it's worth it considering all of the hate and terror organizations out there and no rights to our own bodies. The men, the Christian's, and the nazi groups, I'm scared to leave the house; might be a good time to pick up drinking again.
#aa #alcoholicsanonymous #alcoholfree #alcoholic #alcoholics #sober #soberlife #soberliving #sobriety #recovery #recoveryposse #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters
#aa #alcoholicsanonymous #alcoholfree #alcoholic #alcoholics #sober #soberlife #soberliving #sobriety #recovery #recoveryposse #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters
But when I got home, the airline's reps told me the would absolutely not reimburse me, that this was their policy, and they didn't care that their representative had promised they'd make me whole. This was so frustrating that I decided to take the airline to #SmallClaimsCourt: I'm no lawyer, but I know that a contract takes place when an offer is made and accepted, and so I had a contract, and #AA was violating it, and stiffing me for over $400.
Hey everyone! I'm Gregory and I'm a #VideoCreator on #tiktok and #youtube creating #entertainment and #inspirational content for those suffering from #addiction and #trauma. I make content for those people who need #help #navigatingchallenges in the #twelvesteps of #aa or #na.
I am also a #redeemed son of God with a #purpose for my #life and a #song of #praise in my soul. #godisgood and I #lovejesus.
#lovejesus #godisgood #praise #song #life #purpose #redeemed #na #aa #twelvesteps #navigatingchallenges #help #trauma #addiction #inspirational #entertainment #youtube #tiktok #videocreator
"Make Some Noise"謳うアイドル・ユニット Devil ANTHEM.、2ndシングル10/10リリース決定。上田剛士(AA=)楽曲提供&サウンド・プロデュースの「GOD BLESS YOU!!」収録
#skream_news #AA #Devil_ANTHEM #エー_エー_イコール #AA_EQUAL #デビルアンセム
#skream_news #aa #devil_anthem #エー_エー_イコール #aa_equal #デビルアンセム
Am 19. und 20. August lädt die Bundesregierung in Berlin wieder zum Tag der offenen Tür, und auch das #THW ist dabei. An Infoständen beim #BMI und dem #AA bietet das THW-Team ein buntes Programm: Vom Bobbycar-Parcours über einen „mobilen Werkzeugwagen“ bis zu einer Dusche zur Dekontamination von Gefahrenstoffen ist alles dabei. Zudem erfahren Interessierte mehr zum Thema „70 Jahre THW im Ausland“ und dem aktuellen Slowenien-Einsatz. Mehr Infos unter bit.ly/3QEHwGg.
Turns out “priority” boarding on American Airlines in St Croix means “wait for all the coach folks.” #aa #stx https://www.philipbrewer.net/tag/aa/
Exclusive: #Fitch #downgraded the #UnitedStates #CreditRating to #AA+ citing #FiscalDeterioration over the next 3 yrs, repeated down-to-the-wire #DebtCeiling negotiations threatening the govt’s ability to pay its #bills, a #deterioration in #USgovernance, as well as #PoliticalPolarization reflected partly by the #Jan6 #insurrection, Richard Francis, a snr dir at #FitchRatings, told Reuters on Wed.
By Davide Barbuscia
#fitch #downgraded #unitedstates #creditrating #aa #fiscaldeterioration #debtceiling #bills #deterioration #usgovernance #politicalpolarization #jan6 #insurrection #fitchratings
#AA+ is in a peer group with Finnland 🇫🇮 or Austria 🇱🇻 whereas #AAA, the highest grade, has a peer group with Norway🇳🇴, the Netherlands🇳🇱 or Germany🇩🇪.
Of course Yelen denies. But. C'mon the US debt burden is just too big. You are beyond the event horizon in terms of refinancing and inflation.
The commentary by #fitch about the long term #rating #downgrade to #AA+ for the #US is 🔥
Ratings Downgrade: The rating downgrade of the United States reflects the expected fiscal deterioration over the next three years, a high and growing general government debt burden, and the erosion of governance relative to 'AA' and 'AAA' rated peers over the last two decades that has manifested in repeated debt limit standoffs and last-minute resolutions.
#us #aa #downgrade #rating #fitch
Le CPF est distinct et en plus de vos droits à la #formation à l'AFDAS. Normalement dans votre "historique de droits" sur votre espace perso, vous devez avoir ça (voir image) dès lors que vous avez perçu au moins 1 euro comme #AA.
Si vous n'avez pas déjà créé votre compte, nous vous conseillons de le faire, ne serait-ce que pour vérifier que vos #droits sont bien validés https://www.moncompteformation.gouv.fr/espace-prive/html/#/
I got 1/4 through a Shirley temple before i realized it didn't taste right
I was served an alcoholic drink when I asked for a non alcoholic drink
245 days of sobriety just got ruined and it wasn't my choice 💔
I'm struggling to fight the urge to start sobbing in the club
#aa #alcoholicsanonymous #alcoholfree #alcoholic #alcoholics #sober #soberlife #soberliving #sobriety #recovery #recoveryposse #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters
#aa #alcoholicsanonymous #alcoholfree #alcoholic #alcoholics #sober #soberlife #soberliving #sobriety #recovery #recoveryposse #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters
#2ちゃんねる の #AA や #顔文字 で #実体参照 が使われた最古の例って何なんだろうね、となっている
Lehen aldiz #AA batek prozesagailu berri bat diseinatu du. Prozesagailua badabil eta 5 ordutan egin du.
Albiste honek #Automata filmea gogorarazi dit. Klima aldaketa larri baten ostean, gizarteak ozta-ozta jarraitzen du bizirik. Bizirautea lortu ahal izanaren gakoa automatak erabiltzea izan da. Gizakiek ulertzerik ez duten prozesagailu konplexuak dituzte automatek, AA batek sortuak. Gizateriaren iraupena ez dago gizateriaren esku. Bide horretatik joango ote gara?
"I Have A Dream" Today
#MLK #MLKjr #SupremeCourt #rights #EqualRights #equality #racism #discrimination #SJW #Woke #AA #AffirmativeAction #DEI #SocialJustice #democracy #morality #diversity #progress #cults #propaganda #grift #gaslighting #society #brainwashing #bullies #Orwellian #ThoughtCrime #equity #inclusion #fairness #laws #race #ethnicity #bigotry #CivilRights #hypocrisy #politics #corruption #bravery #HumanRights #FreeSpeech #Censorship
this piece is on my blog:
#mlk #MLKJr #supremecourt #rights #equalrights #equality #racism #discrimination #sjw #woke #aa #affirmativeAction #DEI #socialjustice #democracy #morality #diversity #progress #cults #propaganda #grift #gaslighting #society #brainwashing #bullies #orwellian #thoughtcrime #equity #inclusion #fairness #laws #race #ethnicity #bigotry #civilrights #hypocrisy #politics #corruption #bravery #humanrights #freespeech #censorship
Harvardek "Computer Science 50: Introduction to Computer Science" izeneko programazio ikastaro bat ematen du. Arrakastatsua omen da.
Aurten, bertan izena ematen duten ikasleek berrikuntza batekin topo egingo dute: ikasteko tresnen artean #CS50 izeneko bot bat izango dute irakasle bezala.
#AdimenArtifizialeko chatbot hau, besteak beste, ikasleen ohiko galderak erantzuteko gai izango omen da.
Informazio gehiago: https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2023/6/21/cs50-artificial-intelligence/ #AA #eLearning
#cs50 #AdimenArtifizial #aa #elearning
Run inference on replit-3B code instruct model using CPU https://github.com/abacaj/replit-3B-inference #aa #ai