Seeing all the posts and videos from the Oscars. A24 is making me fall in love with films all over again. If you can, you should join AAA24. So happy I did (because they send fun, cool stuff in the post) and so pleased to see their movies doing amazing things ♥️
So #A24 did exactly what they were supposed to and put everything on a bagel
✨🥯 🎬🐳🎉♥️♥️♥️✨
#eeaao #TheWhale #MichelleYeoh #BrendanFraser #kehuyquan #a24 #aaa24
#aaa24 #kehuyquan #BrendanFraser #MichelleYeoh #TheWhale #eeaao #a24
The A24 Podcast - Brendan Fraser & Michelle Yeoh (Apple)
#eeaao #TheWhale #aaa24 #a24 #MichelleYeoh #BrendanFraser
A24 Magazine Issue 20
Brendan Fraser artwork courtesy of Beth Martens @bmartens_studio
#a24 #aaa24 #BrendanFraser