"L'attaque des..." #IlsSontEnVie #BoeïngBoeïng #AAAAH https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k54225671/f29.image
#recuperationdetouites #ilssontenvie #boeingboeing #aaaah
@antti404 @paavokassi Näin pätkän jossa lehmät tulee löntystelemään mutaiselle pihalle ja oli niin #aaaah
Toivon että ihmisnäyttelijät ei pilaa sitä, kun niitäkin ilmeisesti esiintyy :D
Trobareu unes quantes #postals que hem deixat a aquests llocs.
Can Coques, Sencelles: https://osm.org/go/xUgUryhZW?way=884145246
Cafè des poble, Algaida: https://osm.org/go/xUgQrP39w?node=8193549418
Mar i cel, Campos: https://osm.org/go/xUgJMOxy6?m=
La Palmesana, Llonguetlàndia: https://osm.org/go/xUK4Hmh~4?m=&way=91487963
#postals #regal #nadal #nosuspeguei #aaaah #etiqueta
@PeaEyeEnnKay @mrbitterness right that's a bit more DIY than I'm looking to get tbh. It's not that I don't like to build weird mishmash things, but at times I've had quite a few machines to look after and concistency of experience and ease of maintenance/repeatability were key. When I found lubuntu it was like #aaaah [choirs of angels]
#ListeningTo Rosy & Andres – My Love (also on "My Love") https://yewtu.be/watch?v=FY8H6ra6sOk #AaAah! #CNR657_529 #Netherlands #1976 #Europop #Pop! #Crackle! #Snap!
#listeningto #aaaah #cnr657_529 #netherlands #europop #pop #crackle #snap
🎵 Eomac - Transmutaion, Redemption, Forgiveness (Errorsmith Remix)
silly but good