Tilanne voisi olla pahempikin, mutta aina keittiöön kävellessäni alkaa päässäni soida Pet Shop Boysin "Rent". MIKSI!!?! #petshopboys #korvamato #aaargh
#aaargh #korvamato #petshopboys
#Awesomewm is really good. What there is no channel for it in mastodon #aaargh
Oh shit https://sites.google.com/site/lucidenglish74/castle-of-aaargh--monty-python-and-the-holy-grail #aaargh
What's the trick to using zigzag scissors (or any pair of scissors or pointy sharp objects) without acting on the urge to gouge ones eye out or stab someone? #ZigzagEdgesAreFunZigzagScissorsNotSoMuch #NoPatienceForCraftworkAndPackagingAndBlah #aaargh #art #AroundTheStudio
#aroundthestudio #art #aaargh #nopatienceforcraftworkandpackagingandblah #zigzagedgesarefunzigzagscissorsnotsomuch
If I could type this in ALL CAPS:
find . -name .DS_Store -exec rm \{} \;
and it still worked, I would.
if I could type this in ALL CAPS:
find . -name .DS_Store -exec rm \{} \;
and it would work, I would.
I’m dyslexic and I’m editing and formatting an overly complex doc for my bff. I’ll try not to randomly bite anyone but I make no fucking promises.🤣🤣🤣 #aaargh
In my dystopian nightmare, all movies and television shows are Paw Patrol spinoffs.
"I'm ready to tell you my secret now....
I see dead puppies."
"..ask yourself, do you feel lucky? Well, do you, pup?"
"That's right woodchuck chuckers, it's... GroundDog Day!"
#theyhavesuperpowersnow #parenting #aaargh
Another #history documentary on RTÉ rendered unwatchable by insistence on the historical present #tense. #pastispast #whatsdoneisdone #aaargh
#history #tense #pastispast #whatsdoneisdone #aaargh
Proper pea souper o’ a foggy day a’ day the day and - #BugBear alert - folk didnae hae their flamin’ heidlights on ne’er mind a rear foggie.
Aye, alright ye hae yer wee l.e.d. daytime running’ lights, BUT ye’ve nae rear lights ya eedjits!
And why is it ayeways the silver motors that hae none on at a’? #aaargh
After a deeply frustrating meeting w/a major #openscience infrastucture provider, I wish for this: if you're a community based non-for profit in open infrastructure, make sure you're clear about what you want from potential contributors. Don't change goalposts because you "feel" something might not work out. Be mindful of the time and effort it takes to get support lined up for your initiative. Otherwise your potential allies lose trust in you and look at commercial solutions instead #aaargh
holy crap what is *up* with mastodon bleeping and blupping when messages come in #aaargh!
damned, j'ai définitivement pas assez de doigts pour jouer du #Stravinsky ... #YATropDeNotes #aaargh #flûte #3615MaVie
#stravinsky #YATropDeNotes #aaargh #flûte #3615mavie
The solution is this nonsense:
- about:profiles yourself a temporary profile.
- copy your old places.sqlite into the empty profile
- open a firefox with the new profile
- use bookmark manager to export to HTML
- open bookmark manager in your normal profile and import HTML
- delete temporary profile
- why
unicorn snakebite...
#unicorn #snakebite #bald #darts #aaargh #darts #vidcap #animatedgif
#unicorn #snakebite #bald #darts #aaargh #vidcap #animatedgif
unicorn snakebite...
#unicorn #snakebite #bald #darts #aaargh #darts #vidcap #animatedgif
#unicorn #snakebite #bald #darts #aaargh #vidcap #animatedgif
unicorn snakebite...
#unicorn #snakebite #bald #darts #aaargh #darts #vidcap #animatedgif
#unicorn #snakebite #bald #darts #aaargh #vidcap #animatedgif